Why I'm So Good At Nuking People --------------------------------- With a "dual-ray system" operational through quantum machines, though one of them (here at the group home) has to be repaired a lot, I am "so good at nuking you" because I use an energy weapon at the same time as I nuke you, and I use various different destructive energetic frequencies. I.P.'s either drop off my portmonitor like flies, or I shut your server down in at least 1 minute, no matter who you are. Because: I operate not only at least ten different nuking programs, of the best kind, I also "hacked" one of the most powerful nukers on Earth known as the "Land To Air Cannon" (LoIC) which is the most mean, and cruel way to nuke someone. I use this only when needed. Further, in spite of your advertising, and all of the money you lose when I nuke and DoS you, I am killing in the name, and a lot of people disagree with the monopolies and bad networks on the internet, thus I am above the law -- that I am a defense program exec for the NSA. - BLS (I use the kill-code on some hackers. And I have heard it hurts pretty bad. I use another frequency to hurt machines directly. I took down an entire control room once. :))) I'm also very good at nuking because I know what settings to use for my nukers, what packet size, rate, and type of nuking protocol. ;;;;;))))) Based on all the servers, chatrooms, and networks I've single-handedly taken down ... it is clear that in spite of all the stock money, and advertising money I've gotten away with, the FBI is actually "knocking on YOUR door" -- and I am above the law, so WATCH OUT. :)