Some Random Information - Through mental tuning environments, over time (setting the mood) through my own magnetic effect ... I can mentally "change the tuning of a room" (an entire building, if I do it right) and alter the ground frequency of even a hospital or jail. People are said or appear to grow bigger muscles when they are around me, and are on my side. My magnetic energy permeates into some people directly when I perform Tai Chi Chuan in front of groups of people. I saw one pot-bellied, weak, angst-addled patient at Dorothea Dix turn into the toughest guy in the place with a little magnetic boost. I also am able to lessen the blow of a hit, if I see someone struck -- using my magnetic energy. I can also amplify the fighting power of "real fighters" when I sync with them, and do shadowboxing. Back to the tuning thing -- Remember Dark City..? Nothing like that. Just science. I've studied waves and vibrational science for over twenty years, and have a book I even wrote on the subject of vibrational effects in the atmosphere, and in our minds. (Neuroacoustic waves). When I was at Dorothea Dix, as well as Acadia, I mentally "attuned" that the ground-frequency of the hospital is "452" hertz. Using 452 hertz in spellcasting might give you a lot of power, because it's probably the same ground frequency they use in jails. The "industry tuning" is 440 hertz, which is a pure flat wave, and lacks emotion (to me). A very boring tuning. 448 activates the brow chakra, and only "four octaves" (a half measure above) -- this alters the tones of people's voices, and makes them "speak a few registers higher making them sound like they are lying." -- It is a GREAT frequency to know, if you want to perform "powerful" Vodun in the hospital, and it is also an important thing to speak in a "low tone" and never speak in too high a pitch of voice in these environments -- BECAUSE IT INVITES WORRY. I know a lot of frequencies from scanning environments, for instance McDonalds uses an atmospheric vibrational frequency of both the F# (Heart) and D note (Sacral Chakra) to really make you "love your food." ...... Wal-Mart is flooded with supersonic frequencies, and frequencies as high as 2,000, and 3,000 hertz, and is almost a building "designed" to make it impossible to focus, and buy the right items. Truly spiritual people have trouble in all of these environments. I've built a fully functioning mood generator, with my better sense of frequencies, and though I am not an official "scientist" I think I know a lot more than even the staff, CNA', and prison guards of these systems even know about the truth about their mind-controlled institutions. - Brendan Lee Sprague