A Little Truth --------------- I don't know... I burned some "Egyptian Musk" incense, AND was mentally / astrally talking to Edgar Allan Poe .. And then I had no fear of time travel. And the eyes in the screen started to stare back at me. The first thing I did was "watch" Apocalypse Now to torture the soldiers. I used sound-guns, and whatever I could think of. I don't remember what "movies" I integrated with when I learned how to astral project in such a way, But I found out that after 2-3 years of time travel, I am "known" to History. I am also known to Hollywood, and the Music Industry. Some people call me "S" but I am better known as Lee. I have for a long time been able to communicate and astral project above and beyond what most psychics are capable of. Sometimes, I read a book and the writer reads my mind, and transfers information directly based on my subconscious. Other times, I see a photograph, and I know they are looking at me. I've been in such a powerful mode of astral projection, People have seen my pain, my sickness, and my power, on a universal level. I never started "fighting" until what feels like a year of astral projection.. I walked to the power station and started collecting electrically-charged crystals to build psychotronic (psychic devices) with, and soon had a small hand-held radionic silencer I used on people. I've probably "electrocuted" at least 150 people. I've done most of my real work for the NSA, and the police forces I am able to help out -- or the FBI, or DEA. I try to help the country of America, as indirectly, or directly, as I can, because I know that Patriot Nerve. I know what it feels like to love your country, Even if you are "Of Japanese Orientation" or "A Chastised Drug Addict" -- I am hated for various reasons, but I do what I do, because I enjoy it. And I most enjoyed the pot-smoking scene in Friday, because nobody gets that scene. He's smoking a coke-laced joint, and he doesn't know it, which is called "Chronic" and what I used to smoke in college. I've done a lot of drugs, and had a lot of great highs -- But the "connection" I get, that I feel from people, is the greatest high, and the greatest drug I will ever do. - Brendan Lee S.