I randomly was passing through the Wal-Mart aisles, stoned on heroin.. And edible weed. I walked up to a small package, the only one left, and intuited, "An EMP DEVICE..?!" I bought the $60 device, and brought it home, but not without being hassled near the cashier. By some old guy who looks like he shops in the hardware section. I overheard him saying, in a frantic voice, "That guy's a known terrorist. He's buying a shutdown. Hello..? Does anyone see this..?" He stared into my bag once more, then ran across the cashier, talking about me, and then returned to his position in line .. When I was originally making the claim that "someone" (my next door neighbor *Moon) was attacking my bedroom where I kept my hacking computer, with an EMP device, I myself could feel the extra flow of electricity in the room. I stopped practicing telekinesis for two months, out of principle, but I used a lot of the EMP energy to electrocute a lot of people, even if they thought they were hurting me. All they really did was shut down and freeze my computer, and shut off my home's power a few times when it was 'a little windy' outside. When the cops came, after I made a video about a girl named Amanda, whose name I got wrong, paranoid about my neighbor, because i knew her daughter's name -- I wrote "Amy" so to speak, and I got in trouble when she called the police on me. I was in the same room my grandmother died in. When I drank the bottle of rum, I really didn't care what would happen. And the other one. I was already drunk off ketamine I was buying from the happy hour section of KFC. Maine is very corrupt when it comes to drugs. We sell heroin in the smoke shops. I used to do a lot of that shit, but not anymore. I moved to weed for two years, and lost it all when I finally tried the pirates liquor.. I was experiencing heavy psychic activity -- from attacks from poltergeists, weird astral projections, and bad telepathy, all around me. My paranoia grew, as I lost my holy grail, and also forgot to turn on my psychic blocking device ...... The cops were mean to me, probably because of my "paranoid schizophrenia" diagnosis, and were already ready to send me away, no matter what I said. They only jumped on top of me, and strangled me, when I tried to run away from them. One of whom's name is Judson, and who has made me a personal case of his ever since I swore violently at him from the back of a police car. - BLS