Intuitively-Written Report On "The Corona Virus" -------------------------------------------------- I've uncovered the corruption that goes on in China, and other parts of Asia, where China is the main concern for disgusting behavior in the world today. They are sick, themselves, the nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers. In fact, the entire system is "mentally ill." Focused more on psychology, it made their minds secure (I am sure) to investigate a cure or vaccine for the original Bird-Flu known as Sars, which was a vaccine that back-fired and yet (to the apparent eye) is actually not a backfire, but was turned into a bioweapon on purpose, with the strangeness of involvement of "bats" in their experimentation on also apes and humans alike. The result was, and is, one of the worst "virii" that the world has ever seen, in human history. The corruption that caused this, yet, was collusive with the United States, and media all across the world use the "Anthrax Vaccine" (the vaccine has a small amount of anthrax in it) to cure ourselves, by "killing the disease" instead of curing it, we also wish to do research on one another at this time, involved are myself and other "patients" of the system, we are being used as labrats during this time of terror and duress. People who are the most tortured are the patients. Camera's are kept in hospitals, as well as microphones, and everything is being monitored. The world is in crisis, because there may be a lie about the statistics. Although we are to know countless thousands are dead, there may in fact be a more alarming number of "dead" right now, than the news is sharing with us. Potentially 3 million people have been killed by Sars-II (what the COVID virus is actually known to be referred as by scientists) While the vaccine is questioned, and the world is slowly, now fastly dying, we cry for a spiritual, or psycho-salvation, when there is none to be found other than our own decision to separate ourselves, from the wheat, and from the chaff, to be our own selves, and make our own decisions, and act on our own free will, while the Earth is tearing you down. BLS