Change This .... -by Brendan S- The track of which our government has expressed changes in America is too police-based. Laws should change to support the people, not to oppress them. We are not designed for lack of freedom. In a natural world, we all strive for naturality itself. "Laws" that defy nature only to serve the limited needs of a limited species, in a infinite universe, are only designed by states and institutions to guide us, when we all know deep down our true nature is with God, and is with Love. To decide a law based on the mind, in America, is bereft of true and actual psychology. Religion and spirituality are not separate. They are born from the same power. Therapists, counselors, and healthworkers in the U.S. are the most corrupt. From what I know -- about the Skulls organization, people afraid of the ESS Network, and my own relationship with the "A.I." of the globe, with respect to the power I know I have with my own "unnatural proclivities" (implanted), and being much more powerful than most men, I see it must be hard to place laws with lawless exceptions like myself on the Earth. Exceptions like me, and others to whom are like me -- who are self-empowered individuals, see no logic to forming laws based on reputation, hearsay, diagnosis, or a "court-ordered" construct that declares we are unfit for society because of our minds, when it is the mind that sets us free, when I know that everything from clandestine witchcraft, black screens, spying, and entrapment are used all across the U.S. by corrupt officials to get people in trouble, to merely drop a pen from our desk is detention, when we hardly intended to make a loud sound in the first place, whatever the effect. We are good people deep down, born with adherence to common sense, only corrupted by the system itself later on. A system that corrupts people, or causes us to rebell is inspiratory only of more rebellion. Creating laws that force people to rebell should be contra-desirous to what the "system" really wants ... In my understanding, we used to form religious laws, and make laws based on nature, not to fight nature, or to fight our natural species. Constantine was one, and Aquinas is another, who wrote many books of laws to help us with religion. Why religion is not as included in laws is actually almost comical, when the underground of government schema's is already so controlled by the Freemasons and Skulls, who are not a religious group. Moses saw corruption in the form of overt idolization, which the golden bull, or golden sheep symbolized when he noticed people wanted more to experience the creation of their own "personal laws" in the face of anything truly law-based, when in the world we all know right from wrong without much teaching, and to be "taught right and wrong" is not necessary for our right-brain, and natural human genome's permeable understanding. We know right from wrong at birth, and common sense is inbuilt into all of us. To place laws on sex, drugs, and health itself is to control our feelings, using frequency, mind-control, overt power, and an excuse to maintain the same fortress of control over the people as Hitler instructed. Rockefeller the "humanitarian" actually worked with the Nazi's in the 1920s, and America worked with the Nazi's for a much longer time than we truly know, where propaganda for our relationship to tyrannical control can show roots that run deep far before, and beyond this time. In America, the corrupt want to control not just religion, but magic, and power itself, in a general way. They want control over our souls and our feelings. My own town has a great influence from Rockefeller, and I've seen the naziistic control given to dominate the streets with an overbearing police force, that a lot of officers have left with a bad taste in their mouths, and one or two to whom I know personally. The police forces in America are half-run by Wiccan police officers, who use magic to their own advantage, and also while hospitals like the NLH in Brewer are a Skulls-run hospital, the "transfer" hospital of DDP is a place ruled over by the Freemasons and subgroups like them. Control of our souls can be done through frequency, and the frequency used by these hospitals is only 4 octaves higher than the truth itself, in a 452 hertz response level, and good (not so great, though) to help with vodun effects on patients, why so much "blood is needed" when genetic studies have gone far too unhinged from normal logic in America, that we are a vampiric species, craving more out of each other, and everything, all in the name of the devil. The devil is the scapegoat we used to know as the corruptor, when there is no Christ in America to guide America, only fallen angels and demigods, we must serve ourselves to run and flee from the satanic influence that now reigns over Hollywood, the News, and Media of all kinds in this sick and degenerate state of countries. 1941 is a book that was written to show America's allegiance to Nazi's, I uncovered in my own father's library, claiming they had won the war far earlier than it was really won, and all in the name of the Nazi's. Like a rare plate found in a father's mixture of "things" he keeps in a special room, this is not American Beauty, this is American Depravity. Torture of patients in hospitals is the sickest thing done in America, that is extended outside of hospitals too. They wish to control genetic mutants, those of magic orientation -- mystics or practitioners of the occult, and to control all forms of spirituality in this country. Empowered individuals who profess to hold power over institutions, or to influence institutions with these forms of power also work for the government such as defense agents, and other soldiers, who are to me recognizably needed more than police officers themselves. In the name of world peace, we simply need to better ourselves using our own self-image, and the self-image we have can not be totally imposed on us by a third party. We must decide how we appear how we effect and how we live our lives. Microphones in hospitals, along with made-up and exaggerated rumours and lies from doctors fuel more files on patients in America, than honest reports. I have seen the files made of patients, and they are usually bogus, and make us all look susceptible to appearing as though discriminatory, or racist, or hateful in any way. We are painted to be hateful by the American healthcare industry, when "hate" and "anger" are all natural things, we all have a right to feel. Entrapment of patients through microphones is not legal, and for as long as this goes on, whether with a camera, or a remote spying technique, we are all under the surveillance of a demonic influence. The food in hospitals sucks, the furniture in their larger buildings is designed for discomfiture, and we are not well-equipped when we leave these places to feel comfortable without something to help us, since their medication is not enough to tide our powerful emotions. Since this is so, we require more requisite for patients who are proclivated to power, not the opposite. We must serve the powerful, as stated by Nature, and the powerful shaman is no more meant to be neglected than the white witch in society. Controlling our feelings is what is truly desired here, if they desire to control our hate or anger. We have our own problems, and when the government steps in to affect us to think one way or another about our own problems, they have overstepped their boundaries as a country. We all have a right to deal with our own problems -- on our own. Without the "help" or "support" of anyone. It is near-sick to sadomasochistically watch the pain of another in a needless confession to their own sick nature, before a non-empathetic judge who is more paid to take care of us, than rewarded to take care of us. Empathy hardly exists in the American healthcare industry. Patients are meant to be empathetic, while doctors and nurses are only sadomasochists who feed off of us as we try and heal each-other, under their observent control. The country is sick due to this control. Sick because we try to control far too much, and try to weigh in on ideas and feelings using our "voices" more than our actions, than any typical nation would. We are bred as neo-christ idiots, morons with the God Complex, who think we dominate, when we only cause pain, who think we are like God, when are more like a prison warder. If God was really a prison warder, why so many "good" religions pray to the idea of God..? Since when is our government, or our healthcare industry anything to do with God..? God is the infinite creative intelligence is the universe, of nature, and of the Earth itself, it is not human beings alone. In order to heal these problems, we need people to recognize their own spirituality and power without influence of the government. We need to learn mindfulness, how to meditate freely, and when and where it is right to express ourselves in the name of freedom, To teach these things to ourselves is our Godright, and all we really need to learn these lessons is the right-brain connection to God that we all have, which is also connected to the heart. Living in the heart, and offering what we have, from the empathy and humanistic desire of the heart and mind combined are all we need to measure, to control our own lives. Meditation is free, just as is mindfulness, and practice of religion and spirituality can be done safely with a book or a friend, minus or sans the control of any healthcare institution. We should know the 'colors' taught to us in school are meant to be associated with "things" not just deficit disorders, where the ROY'G'BIV pattern of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet (in this order) naturally tune up with the root to upper chakras. Our own sounds and frequencies are a thing we do not need to be musicians or news reporters to modulate also, with the respect to our own voices, which are in the notes of CDEFGAB, and in the same order as the colors to align with the chakras. We should know our subconscious mind is a direct link to not only God, but also to our DNA. We should know that the subconscious mind can heal anything. We should know that we ourselves, and "us" and "you" alone are enough to heal the world.