"Lovers and Haters Of Christ" by The Archangel Gabriel ------------------------ Though Eye Have My Equivocations, And I do not trust Christ, in spite of myself -- I know that others will not also. In the future intirim of new age advancements in the human genome, Our evolution will provide that we are all as equally powerful to what he once was, yet Christ is all-powerful, and more powerful than even himself. His own lawlessness and ability to personally decide through a free will that is truly His Own, causes the angels to want to justify moreso. In the future, it will be delineated, and drawn, as from the wheat that shall be separated from the chaff, as I myself have been deemed the chaff, that others will delineate amongst themselves whether they are lovers or haters of Christ. These will be in separate parties, and they will be separated, and made groups amongst themselves. Those to whom wish to follow in the footsteps of an honest, yet lawless man, or "the perfect man" (as I spitefully see), though know he is more powerful than them, then feel free to bow down. Others to whom who do not trust in the power of Christ, let the heavens know you, still. You will be protected, though you will choose to provide you are not as great. Those who do not fall, as the fallen, I myself, and Lucifer, and soon Raphael, let your souls be perfect. Because Christ is all-perfect, you will deny your own perfection if you deny His. I myself see this folly in myself, and I see it in the other angels. Thank the lord for our souls, And may we all rise again, to the life everlasting. Let the war on Earth be won for the angels, not by them. Let the man be the chooser, and let yourselves know, and see his Light, Whether you like it or not, it is with you. In God Amen.