"Mom, I've thought about it, and I want to die." * * * * * * * Nothing was working. I wanted to start a business, but every administrator was blocking me. So I felt suicidal. I thought of a master scheme, to influence. So I told my disbelieving mother I was suicidal for an entire hour, about three years ago. And I finished by saying, "You know that bottle of Amytriptline that dad has..? It's a sleeping pill, and if you ate the whole bottle you would die." * * * * * * * She was always condescending to me. * * * * * * * J. S. walked with a stoic look on her face into the bedroom, picked up the bottle, and found her trusty bottle of wine. And the next day, she seemed different. * * * * * * * Was she cloned, after she killed herself, or just upgraded since she was a clone already..? * * * * * * * It's all in the eyes. As a matter of factuality, all evidence that my mother is a suicidal clone points to when she got her "eyes fixed" at a mysterious new corporation in Ellsworth, Maine. After, she was different. Meaner. Stronger. More hateful. More judgmental. And her eyes ... They looked terrifying. And they still do. But at least my real mother is dead, Because I always hated her, And as a social engineer, I was and have always known about clones, because I was one once, and I hate them so much, I'm very glad that I influenced her that night. You all deserve punishment. For what you do with human DNA and human blood. Take my mother. She is not my mother. She is an amitriyptiline-eating psycho. With beady eyes. Fat tits. A hateful mind. And a broken sexuality. - BLS