ELECTRIFIED by NOISE With some people who quit drugs, or far away from the parallels of cigarettes or alcohol, their hearing becomes "augmented." The same effect occurs when a person in a live stream, or a live TV show is expressed as "provided" -- to the moment: effectable. Live versions of this reality are more tamperable, and malleable. Since I have the holy grail, and the ability to witness the effect of my "devices" through my astral image of these things, I've learned that my psychic power also avails me the ability to stay infinitely inventive. I keep arriving at new frequencies, new concepts for psychotronic designs, and coming up with new concepts for how to re-entrain networks, or use music to effect the internet .. the idea-stream is not stopping, and yet a gang-stalker would try to get in the way. So much disruption, yet I hold 'the electric wave.' When you feel the electricity your eyes water-up, and you cry. When I am very angry, you feel pain from the waves of magneto. I swear, I am just like him .. He's a christlike X-Men character. I liked how he saved the day in the phoenix film. A lot of people don't know it, but I've shocked a few porn-stars before. BLS