I remember when I first joined the internet schema. Teachers in school warned me, "information on the internet can not be totally trusted." That was Mister Barter in the eighth grade. The same year of my life, I hacked every "popular girl" (and cool kid) with the help of my friend, who did less work than me. An entire 20 e-mail addresses to learn about the worst people in school, and exploit a few of them, quietly, just before the two of us entered high school. The columbine shootings took place shortly after we hacked our school. I swear, dark psychics just do the same thing like the ending of Brooklyn's Finest. I always felt like I didn't belong here. I actually did a "vodun assault" on a pedophile who abused one of my friends, as early as the age of seven. His mutiliated face is findable (or once was) one Rotten.com known as "Motorcycle Face" and I've judicated bad motherfkers since a young age. Everyone was afraid of me in high school. I did pills, instead of weed. I also hacked one of the students in my programming class, just to get a good grade. I got an A. I also hacked my way through college, with at least seventeen hundred dollars to my name, through mere exploitation of the internet alone. And I always had weed, as a result. People were afraid of me in college too. I was trying to teach my girlfriend how to handle a flamethrower (lighter and spray), if she would only listen to me. Still, you American faggots raped her anyway. Just now, I have communicated with both Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un (Sp?) to be in league with me to stop your entire country by the year of 2032, with a nuclear bomb. I hate your country more than you know. And I would sacrifice my life to stop the abuse in this evil country known as America. And speak Cantonese instead. BLS