Amy C. is the girl who I found with a embarrassed, and satisfied look on her Facebook profile photo. She was probably the most popular girl in my high school. She looked about the same.. I don't really know her. Her mother is my neighbor, and I had theorized her mother was EMP'ing me. I also had an astral image of the same woman burying a body. * * * * * * * How psychic I am: I once intuited the Department of Defense I.P. address just by guessing (first guess). ( ) () ( ) () ( ) () ( ) Why you're sick: I heard that Amy C. is in a sex cult in Bar Harbor, from my nearby neighbor Rachel's husband, in a brief encounter. I think he's an agent too, of some kind, because I remember he commented on my deathray. * * * * * * This was sometime in 2020.. I named the wrong girl, and then the cops came. My life has since been destroyed by whatever "Amy C" has to say about me, but my whole town hates me now. The girl who was actually stalking me is not even from Maine. She's from Phoenix, Arizona, and stalked me from a Youtube chatroom. She's also a hacker. * * * * * * * What I know: My dad has received "phone calls from Amy C" before the event, And I knew about all the sick porn on the internet at the time. Virtually, I once encountered Amy C. "and her mom" (she is 30) -- in a "let's suck him off together video!" -- And I once "saw" -- my father with a waxed chest. He is sixty-seven. - BLS