If Philip K. Dick was given his own Exegisis, (true spelling) -- in his autistic, and presently "very quiet" evolution, with the same name, he would speak, and communicate better.* He's named "Philip" in the next life. And has the same jaw, and eyes. I've revelated about him before. Lately, I've heard he now lives in an apartment of his own. And he speaks more. He has in the spectrum of Auto-tism, and suffers from less and less down syndrome every day. (Yes, there are Phillips TV's you can get with Spectrum Cable on them). I am told he also listens to music. ALL the time. Sometimes, the same song over and over again.. He is *and always was a genius, deep down. Some people are special.. In their :own: way. I am like him, but not retarded. He's funny as hell, honestly, when he just bursts. Out. With a hilarious observation about the universe around him. It's hilarious. Or once was, the shit he used to say. I'm sorry, but me and my dad both would laugh. They say you're not supposed to laugh, but retarded people are funny as fuck sometimes, and Phillip is a genius (actual spelling) -- both lifetimes. He did a lot of drugs in his former lifetime, but he also wrote more sci-fi books .. than even me. He's a genius, trust me, and so am I. I know the cure for alzheimers, which my mother won't die from -- and it's simply knowledge and learning, itself. You have to want to learn. That's why I'm beginning my own exegesis. (What is the spelling)..? Hint, just holding the book is enough for you.. YOU aren't stupid. - For now - The Exegisis of Brendan S -------------------------------- (Yes, the rumour is true. This is the only site I devote (or place) any of my best words, or "writing" to.) - S back. This book will be like a dialogue. I will add to it over a year, or years. In the end it will be one thousand or so pages long. My exegesis is the following: I Wrote the song "Committed" at a table in the cafeteria of my high school, with the obsession with the healthcare, and nursing industry in mind. I was consciously, and hopefully "committed" to being more psychic some day, but I also feared this. So, instead of writing directly about how I felt, or what I really "thought about the healthcare industry" .. I wrote, "Stolen diagnosis with a baseball bat .. a veteran stares while I burn my fat. / Screwed back in with a broken wrench .. " And other strange lyrics, that were actually about my experiences in the hospital. The corona virus started from the germ / cell of an African bat, and was not started by a snake poison, or the other rumour. CORONA-19 was predicted by other people, like the female artist Natasha Khan, who is full-blooded, or half-blooded Egyptian, but seems fully magical to me, and she calls her band, "Bat For Lashes." Orgy made a song called "Wide Awake and Dead" that prophetically sees the disease occurring, but they feature snakes throughout the video. If no one has noticed yet, the band Orgy usually focuses their lyric on lies. That is all for now. -S okay back. The story "Life Points" is making fun of the devil, and relentless clones. At the end of the story, the main character (who is delusional, and psychotic) continue their spree of Social Media Abuse, until they are morally, mentally, and conditionally torn down, and totally dismantled to the point of being left in a chair at a computer, under some type of control -- fighting until their dying moment, in chains, until their last dying attempt to hurt me is over. The girl who hacked, and has stalked me is now under house arrest, and sits at a chair at a computer, with a monitoring bracelet around her ankle, and continues to attempt to harass and terrorize me, even though he has now been arrested. She was mass-nuked by a large quantity of hackers, when I gave out her home I.P. address in a rock playlist on my youtube channel, and dismantled completely. * * * * * * * Some people wonder what my name "Ex To The Network" means, for my youtube channel. I am otherwise known as "The Exclusive" -- a former / or present member of the hacker supergroup known as "The Cult Of The Dead Cow." It simply means "Exclusive To The Network." And they only adopted me, but I still have helped / we help each other / and they made me the "fifth wheel" of the group, because The Cult of the Dead Cow invented trojans (Back Orifice) and remain steadily one of the most honest, and exploitative hacker groups in the world. My present name in the CoTDC is "Dark Sorcerer." The TV I smashed, after I single-handedly shut down Showtime late night TV (late night softcore porn) because I was disgusted by the quality -- seen with a single complaint to the industry, and very effective, they shut the station down right away. And I was still angry. So I threw my Roku remote at my TV, and broke both the remote and the TV at once, leaving a crack in the TV. It's probably one of the nicest TV's I've ever owned. It was a Phillips Spectrum TV. The Corona virus started to hit news headlines almost just days later. Very soon, I was out of the virtual world for the most part, and had to wait for a new TV, while the world was starting to die around me. I also may have stopped a prostitution bill that was being attempted to be passed in Maine, which may have had a strange pedophile clause -- and something to do with healthcare, sex ed, and the nursing industry. I had none of this, and there was a lot of hatred delivered my way after I made it clear how disgusted at the sexuality of the people around me, I was, and how I started taking it out on people at Wal-Mart -- using "offensive telepathy" against whoever I wanted to, I terrorized the store telepathically for about six months, until it was also shut down, and re-started. I have "directly" shut down networks through DoS crashing, and server testing to the max, but I don't always shut things down through mere influence alone so effectively, proving that I have not always been a hacker, but also a powerful social engineer. I was stalked by a girl at the dispensary, I knew only through my psychic power -- and it made me look paranoid when her hacking assaults started to damage my computers, and I had no way to prove it was her. Her name starts with A.M. -- and she is from Phoenix, Arizona, and found me in a chatroom on Youtube originally (Weedtube). I have been stalked and followed my entire life. I wrote the book "Corruption" but I am never going to confess this directly, because I think the book has more power as an anonymous work that happens to contain my name in it. I wrote my actual name "Brendan Lee Sprague" in the book Corruption, which exposes you all who I h a t e the most, and this book is something I wrote in detox while getting clean from alcohol. I have been tortured multiple times, but what is most important is I have been given traumas by the healthcare, and federal government. From the need to "violently slam doors" in DDP (A mental hospital where a lot of patients are abused, it's been around since the days of shock therapy in 1890). I now have a sensitivity to door-sounds, or any sounds I can't recognize that I hear beyond my door, and become paranoid. This has left a scar. I also was sexually "hit on" by a lot of extremely mean, and pushy nurses, who I wanted nothing to do with, and was made to look violent because I didn't want to have sex with them. How am I "violent" because I don't want to have sex with you? The cops who put me in a George Floyd-style chokehold, which I blocked with my arm, and used Judo to escape ( I don't care what anyone says) -- from their grip, I realized I am now very hateful toward corrupt authority figures, and this is new. The other ways I have been tortured include being harassed after being poisoned, I have been poisoned at least 20 times, and maybe also the time when they used a heater to torture me, in the hospital, which was turned on and off at random intervals while I was being observed on camera, by God knows who. My torture experiences I left out of the book "Corruption" Because it is simply wrong to torture someone. I know the feeling. I held a kitten upside down by the tail once for a long time, and listened to it squeel, and it was god-damned hilarious. But you really are bad people to do that to someone. * * * Why I may or may not have had a psychic impact on the evolution of my blood-cousin, is probably because He Corrupts The Word. :) I made my latest CD, "Record Label Records" on a whim, and included songs just to make music in general. The cover turned out to be a blurry shot of the apartment in Bar Harbor I was kicked out of. My group home "team" have themselves come up with the idea, or just a day after I released the CD, with this strange spell effect over the purple and black of the image, that is somehow very uniquely relative to the date you see which is somewhere in 2019 *October, when I was very happy at home. They told me they want me to go home, and not be sent to assisted living. They can tell I enjoy being with my parents, and I have ever since releasing the "spell" been invited to a meeting, that will occur soon, with my parents, and "group home team" or team members, to see if it can be arranged that I can finally go back home, after almost two years in the system, following my supposed "video" crime, and threat to my neighbors, etc. It isn't over yet, and as said in the Corinthians, it was hell in Asia. * * * * * * * As stated by Paul. (After Chapter 16, in the second section). I was someone who lived with mental patients, in four different situations, and 1.) helped one person "come down" from a hallucinogenic trip, just by the mere effect of talking to them. * taugh tai chi chaun (ten classes) at my group home, and also to my group home administrator who was at every lesson. She is slightly overweight, but has a sort of fantastic body now.... making me think she learned the most from the lessons. * helped a methed out girl get some rest in my room one night, where she slept, and I had nothing to do with her sexually... (Name starts with M) -- gave lots of pot to my friends, who also exchanged free weed with me, which they grew with plants on their rooftop, and eventually didn't mind me showing up to their house even late at night for a beer, where I got to know the people of Belfast pretty well not really anymore through drugs, but mostly through some weird protocol to integrate my personality into the world, and move beyond the virtual, and "internet life" I have lived, but to express myself as a person with real experiences and passion to live. I remember all the things I've said and done since I was taken away from my home, and I regret none of the pain, or arguments, fights, punishments, or judications I have had to express while enraged by the corruption and madness of the American system whilst being a mental patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. I will say, I think we are all in America a spiritual breed of people, but that does not mean our spirituality can not be flawed. What we need is more "B" note (Crown Chakra) and this is not really meant to sound like a joke, because it's the highest chakra, but truly, a note that encompasses all the notes, and always keeps you higher. I tried to share that we all suffer from a bit of "spiritual psychoses" in America, and I think I was right based on how our behavior was during the Covid Pandemic, and cause, and etc. From the cause to effect. I witnessed a girl put into a scary quarantine situation, only a day after I met her, she was locked in a room with a man with a hazmat suit outside of her room, sitting with strange pieces of paper and toilet paper constantly leaving her room, along with other strange bags of trash. She seemed to be knocking on the wall at me, since I was in the adjacent room, as though cries for help. I do not know what was really going on with her, but that was in Acadia, and I felt the vibe she was being raped by the male nurses there. I was actually sickened by the behavior of the people of Northern Lights / Acadia hospital, and I hate them all very much, with a passion, for how they treated someone who has Not been hospitalized in over ten years. You people can burn for your bad behavior, and all the shit you do to innocent people, who mostly have the stockholm syndrome anyway. You need more spirituality. You need salvation from your tragic words. And ways. And actions. In a bible, or any good spirituality book, or church itself, you should save your soul, because no one else can save it but you.