I've tried, but Mark has committed too many crimes. He is public enemy #1 of the NSA and he deeply hurt my machine tonight, which I required "updates" (two in a row) specially ordered from Bill Gates himself, who says Mark is a "troll" to the people in the industry. I quit social media, but he still pursues me, and he always seems to have followed me like a sick sycophant all over the internet, until going crazy, because it's a bad idea to fuck with me, no matter who you are. Or how much shit you have. I doxed him on Facebook, so if you ever want personal information on Mark Zuckerburg, just visit "my" Facebook page .. to "see what I think." His I.P. address (To my deepest trace) is rooted in New York right now, I think, and I am nuking it right now, whether it is him or not. He's been needlessly flagged by the defense program of the NSA, and you can expect worse from him after the repairs I just had to do to my machine, which I feel he is taking advantage of my weakness, and harassing me to this day. Mark Zuckerburg is a truly terrible person. -Brendan Lee Sprague