Hospital Provocation Techniques ----------------------------------------- These are the techniques used by staff members of a hospital when they are at a disagreement-point with a patient, or wish to torture, harm, or abjure the evolution of a patient using various torture techniques once the patient has been provoked. Torture techniques are already listed in other articles, but the same goes for every system in America, that are what I call the three D's of brainwashing, "Defamation, Demoralization, and Deconditioning." These same techniques are used at boot camps. H.P. Techniques are as follows: (This information might have been assistedly given to me, from a helpful doctor at another hospital, who decided to share the information with me, whose name won't be shared). -- Lying to patients in especial is the number one way to provoke a patient in a hospital. The shaking of metal keys around patients known to be sensitive empaths is another thing that is very common also. -- Staff actually steal items from patients, and then return them later on. -- Sometimes, racist techniques are used, as well as spiritual forms of hatred to provoke a patient. This is especially pronounced in the White Caucasian hospital workers. -- Speaking and talking loudly outside of doors, about nonsensical subjects like hunting or going on vacation to inspire a feeling of senseless hopelessness are also methods to provoke a patient. The use of "provocation techniques" are more commonly used on patients who are aware of corruption in the hospital system.