Sure, vodun (voodoo) is the main weapon of mental patients in hospitals, but "Sadomasochism" -- meaning, the enjoyment of the pain of others, is the primary tenet of all healthcare workers in AMERICA. You all do drugs. Secretly, while you abuse patients. I can read your stink from a mile away. Bath salts, fentanyl, spice, etc. You do cheap shitty drugs, and then abuse people while under mind-control. Myself, I was illegally sent to the hospital, after about 10 years free from the hospital system, and I was (and am) generally treated like shit by hospital and healthcare workers. They think I have a "personality disorder" because I silently make no claim to the NSA. Like not being honest about the NSA (the national security of this nation) must mean I'm crazy to keep the protection and safety of the president a "secret." You are true, and genuine faggots in the healthcare industry. From homoerotic obsessions with watching people "pee" to "strip-searching" mental patients, pussy-checks in jailhouses, and a general feeling you need to be "prison warders over those in recovery" is PROBABLY why I telekinetically killed six people when I was hospitalized. You faggots talk loudly outside my door, but complain about how loud my music is, when not a single housemate complains. You rude, self-obsessed little faggots. If you ever get a real job, seek substance abuse counselor services, so you can look yourselves in the mirror. One "very faggoty" member of my house staff, whose name is Kaitlyin (he has a girls name) does LSD. But he can't share two cigarettes with me, due to "recipient and worker" distance rules. I found two cigarettes in my drawer later on, and he really is a faggot. Meaning, gay. JTBH, I fucking hate gay people. :) -Brendan S