How I Got Heroin Tea ------------------------ Grady gave me a funny look, when he handed me the name of the Tea Company from Asia that he ordered from. Before that, we got wasted on strong Scottish tea (two or three tea bags per cup) and I confessed a whole shit-ton of psychic shit, while both of us laughed, and got high in the kitchen. I only found out there is heroin in the tea after I got back home, and did a good alchemic scan -- smoking some of it. It had all the same side-effects as heroin. It's called "Oolong Goddess" and it's shipped from Asia. You know, they say the ingrediants for Fentanyl can be ordered through the internet from China. (I overheard at a party in once) There really are "two" FBI listening vans in now -- and they don't care if I do heroin. Neither does the NSA, and nor does the DEA. BLS