"I Can Time Travel" by Brendan Lee What is referred to as the "astral" or "astral realm" is where the fancies of demons, angels, God, your true image, ghosts, etc. all reside on an imaginal front that is both real and unreal -- based on the impact and retractions of the subconscious mind. Schizophrenic people, or those misdiagnosed psychics who suffer from thought fragmentation, are experiencing telepathy, but what I experience, since I have been a telepath for over ten or twelve years, omnipathy, and time travel. In this, First, Imagine, the skein of time is astral -- and you live in a world of which is mostly space. In the universe around and in-between us there are very minute and tiny waveforms in the particles in the atoms within things. Think of me as a multitude of a host of particles, in an image that is generated by three lasers to produce the hologram I am, and that you see, when I "astral project" through my TV-set. * * * * * * * I can astral project inside of books and photographs too. * * * * * * * In my mind, since I practice magic, this can be used for many ends. To change the matrix.* To find something out.* To attack someone anywhere in time and space.* To meet certain people.* To change certain world events.* To inspire people. And I continue to astral project, in the universe of tiny particles, where in my transfer, my image is what you see, but what you see is the true image of me. I am the one who can be called Christed. I have been Christed by my ability to time travel, and I have also spoken through Christ. I am Christ. And I have always known about Bruce Lee. Edgar ALLAN Poe. Percy Blysshe Shelley. Wild Bill Hicock. Ulysses S. Grant. Eliphas Levi Davinci and Michelangelo. And they all know about me. I have "met myself" many times while I time travel. Sometimes in my mind alone. I euthanized William Blake. And I watched as Michelangelo killed himself. I observed as David wrote the Ecclesiastes. And I learned of Seth's revenge. - BLS