Judication ---------- It is stated, again and again, though without proper knowledge, the karmic reaction to another known as an "eye for an eye." This met with the same, is that we might use our own sense of auto-feedback, or "feedback loops" in assaulting someone with their own voice frequency. I can mentally know a frequency sometimes, due to my psychic power, such as someones voice, or the grounding frequency of a building. This aides me a lot, in my study, like Tesla could hear in great distances. When I was in the hospital for instance I noticed the ground frequency was very promotive of vodun assault, that is a mind-control frequency a few hertz above the tuning of the truth. A very off-key register, and makes everyone sound fake. 452 hertz. I cast spells when I was in the hospital using the better frequency of 448, and also "got telekinetically high by placing a frequency spell of my own voice frequency on a psi-spinner" while alone in my room. People thought I was "on" something, the entire time I was at the hospital. Really, I was practicing tai chi will excusing myself to the "sensory room" to watch movies whenever I wanted to. And drinking legal opium tea. Which I have to say, has no caffeine in it, and should be allowed to be drank at any hours. In spite of my need for things, I was rejected gatorade, water, general need items such as socks, books, and whatever else just because of a lazy security staff, who were responsible for bringing things up to patients. As a result of how poorly treated I was in the hospital, I used radionic voodoo on a lot of people. Patients and nurses had their pineal glands either burned out or totally nullified by a piece of metal with their name on it, underneath or jammed inside of a heater (extremely hot), while I spun a psi-wheel with the same name on it in my own room, off in the corner, as a remote local version of the Pagan-style deathray. I assaulted one of the "Capital Riot" offenders this way, and he lost his cool. He was the "man of the house" and suddenly talking to the TV, and himself, openly in front of everyone, within days of the fire I laid on him. I am able to fight psychically -- as well as with witchcraft -- and also using my mind alone. For this reason I was quickly adopted, almost forcibly, into the NSA Defense Program. (With a website that is now hidden, or deleted). We are now hiring a psy-op team, with myself as the leader of recrution. It is much like an echo of the film "First Class" in the X-Men series. And I hope to help as much as I can. I am able to fight using merely occult magic now (the rings on my fingers), or matrix-adopted weapons, such as the enhanced, or malleated laser in my TV remote control. I also use the so-termed "hypersonic" weapons whenever needed, and it is true the deathray qualifies as such a weapon. I have judicated several negative psychics, bad witches, spies, stalkers, and terrorists using my methods. BLS