There are few things I've ever said, since watching films when I was young -- to my early inspiration to believe in myself.. My relationship with Jackie Chan is one of those mysteries. He kicked and slammed the shit out of a car in a scene of Karate Kid, featuring Will Smith's son, and then he just cried -- over and over again in the drivers seat. I would not stop affirming him, until he stopped crying. "I'm sorry I died." "I'm sorry I died." "I will be out of the hospital, and the group home wants to discharge me soon." And then Jackie wiped his tears. I know who I am, and what I do, and what I represent to you. It is true that I know who I am -- but I will never forget why I am here, for the sake of connexxion, and connexxion with other souls. - BLS (I watched the film The Karate Kid, both inside of the hospital, where he seemed to cry the most, and in my group home, where I was able to affirm him.)