So, we all know about Ted Bundy. But what does it really feel like to kill a woman..? The pleasure is multifold. Why, because it is enjoyable to kill a woman. They have cheated us, and humuliated us since Nero. * * * * * * * * The first "girl" I ever killed was named AMBER LEE WILSON. She is a clone now. She was the zodiac killer. In a previous lifetime. * * * * * * * * I enjoyed killing her. * * * * * * * * What I did, was intercept her telepathy, and instructed her to cut her left wrist. So she did. Her body was found, on the bathroom floor, in an S-shape. Sliced left wrist, as instructed, and apparently "a suicide." I am a psychic though .. And I can influence "things." The truth is, AMBER LEE WILSON is 100% dead because of me, and I most enjoyed telepathically influencing her to kill herself because she: 1. Treated my friends like shit. 2. Sodomized me up the ass using a strap-on. A big black strap-on. Truth be told, I'm glad she's dead. And it felt good. To kill her. (Psychically). She was a real .. real bitch. After killing her, I feel no remorse. - Brendan Lee Sprague