Melting Lou ----------- by Brendan Lee Sprague : MAGNETO First, I remote viewed the gunman moving up and down the stairs, kind of frantic, like he knew he was being watched. He was a large, fat man, dressed in a black suit, and had a gun. I laid an impression on him as many times as I could to, "GET IN THE ELEVATOR." Lou got in the elevator, finally. I took gaze on the man in the driveway, who had their lights on. I stayed far away from my window, and crouched as I held my hand against the strings of the guitar, and the magnet against the battery. The elevator was starting to heat up. I think Lou noticed the heat after one minute I laid an impression on him again, "NOW PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE FLOOR WHERE IT'S SAFE, BECAUSE THE ELEVATOR IS ON FIRE!" to exploit his sense of hysteria, I thought he might do it. And he put his hands on the floor, where they were immediately heated, as his skin melt against the metal, and and his hands were stuck and melted to the floor. I watched as Lou tried to get back up to his feet, but his hands were stuck. The hospital staff probably had nothing but gore to clean up from the adjacent building, but probably knew it was me (Oh, Magneto ..) who melted him down to the color red, and nothing else, when the entire elevator took fire after he was dead, and had to be put out with fire extinguishers I imagine. I watched him as he screamed. Two other dead bodies were in my own building that night. A girl who was very psychic, and felt oriented with my karma, refused to speak with me for the rest of her stay at the hospital after it happened, and the same night (around 1 A.M.) I believe one patient broke out of the hospital, out of hysteria alone (through an open window and the courtyard - to the fence) and I know who it was. She talked to me sometimes, but kept herself in the seclusion room, and never told me when she left the hospital. The Italian mafia also infiltrated the hospital, and I had to talk to one of their bosses directly after I killed the two hitmen. Joe sat in a chair, like an office, at the end of the hall. I gave a prolonged monologue while Amy, my hospital girlfriend, was watching, and I ended with the repetition of the words "I think we need to stop fighting. All of the fighting should stop some day." And I was teary-eyed, and returned to my room, and threw the entire battery pack of my guitar away almost as soon as I felt the danger still inside of me. As soon as I removed all possibility of a need to defend myself again, and removed also all potentially dangerous elements or materials from my room, I remained cool, and was transferred to another hospital shortly after. I dressed in black the entire stay in Acadia .. From day one. BLS