Brendan's Drug-Use Patterns: (For Your Own Perusive Study): 13 : Cigarettes. Blah. 16 : Valium (2mg pill) -- stoned off the pill, felt bounce in my feet. 17 : Klonopin (White 2mg pills) -- Higher than high 18 : Went cold turkey 19 : Tried weed, and alcohol in the same year. Got real high. Didn't like alcohol. 20 : Mostly smoked weed. Eventually thought about trying other drugs. 21 : Mushrooms. I found enlightenment. 22 : More weed, alcohol, and a little bit of experimentation with Salvia. I sank into the couch. 23 : "Spice" and other legal herbs -- Unnaturally high, so to speak. 23 : LSD -- Achieved telepathy for the first time. 24 : Drank less, and smoked more weed, though my alcoholism was progressing. 25 : Full-blown drunk, and criminal. 26 : After rehab, I went back to weed. 27 : Tried "Kratom" (Legal Heroin) and enjoyed it. Only tried it a few times when I was young. 28 - I drank and smoked weed, and did almost no other drug. 30 - Got back into heroin, and was addicted for three years after 32. 35 - Tried meth. Higher than high. 36 - Swearing off a lot of drugs and alcohol now. I've learned my lesson with a lot of things. One of those methheads is dead, and the people I used to drink with have mostly gone to jail, rehab, or the hospital. BLS Other drugs I've done in and between the years: Opium. Coricidin (DXM). Xanax. Ambien. Ritalin. Adderall. Ketamine. Ecstasy. NAC (Oxycodone). Hydrocodone. PCP (Angeldust). K2 (That bad shit). Never done crack. Never done coke. A few drugs I forgot: "Actual" hash. Vicodin. Old-school Barbiturates. (What they used to use before valium). And codeine. THAT about covers it. And the finality of my confession: For your "drug research" -- know all the drugs I did. (Anyone who researches me) -- also know, I quit drinking a long time ago, and recently had to quit again. I hate cigarettes, and only have three a day usually and I do drink coffee. I'm a pretty stimulated person usually, and I don't really stop moving, but I do no illegal drugs, I do not sell drugs, and I am not in actuality an activist for drugs anymore than chemical knowledge and personal enhancement (if possible) through chemical enhancement. The highest I've ever been : LSD. The worst "drug" or intoxicator of any kind I've ever done, and always pray not to: Alcohol. The best drug for me, as far as I am concerned, and what helps me most, and the drug I will probably never give up on: Cannabis. Drugs that turned out surprisingly non-addictive for me: "Meth." And believe it or not, also heroin. I quit heroin in a single day, in fact, and had no withdrawel symptoms. I also was tapering down. I like natural drugs, really. I'm learning "mixing" "the right drugs" is also important. A lot of people know about the point of stimulants and the whole uppers versus downers view of things. To each their own, I say. I have always been a kind of hybrid kind of person. ;)