Tamer, and without fire, I was once out of reach. Experiments, and tests. And prison-style rooms All built perfectly. I went from room to room. High, secretly. They studied, and studied me. Until one day I flew. I'll teleport in front of the car .. Watch, as Christmas drives And the getaway goes not-so-far. I know his name. I know his home. I now rock the NSA. From seven to seven every day .. No. No more time for answers. Question this my sacredness As a clockwork orange spins In my sacral area grins I find no palace other than yours The government For my new politics TO begin And no Sorry That story is false I'm no anti I'm just magnetic If there's an anti YOU'RE just against. Christlike. In style. In death. In birth. In life. In space. I'm ready for wherever I need to be. Take me .. I'll question your faith. Yeah. I'm the only one, but I'll be the one TO question your faith. -S