"Okay, now can you count down from the number seven, in divisions, backwards, as many times as you can..?" I did it exactly seven times, until I was hypnotized by the number "51." I didn't think I would get that far. Next, during the research experiment, I had cathodes attached to my head, and they read my brainwaves in a psychological study known as an electroencephelograph, which I just know the entire word also. It is also known as an EEG. After my IQ test, I was "told I should not know my own IQ." I said, "Yes." To his question, "So you think you are the reincarnation of .. Edgar Allan Poe..?" And I said yes without hesitation. And looked down. Two of the other people in the room, stared over at me suddenly, and didn't stop listening intently until the next ten minutes and the interview was over. I think I have a 200 IQ. I don't know "why" I think this, but totally sober from alcohol, and unaddicted from my primary fruit of eden, which is actually the true fruit of Eden, we once abused, and are now collectively, and religiously re-integrating into our genome. The drug known as marijuana. I always felt at peace when I smoked pot. It is harm reduction to me. I always loved weed. Lately, I don't smoke anymore. I already had too much of a good thing. I know, out of all of my genius, only what I wish to share .. Such that Walgreens sells imported cocaine. The store known as "EYES" in Ellsworth discriminates against the mentally ill, Maine Organic Therapy as giving out alcohol, aphrodesiacs, and extasy-infused weed for over 5 years in Ellsworth, Maine. I also know that my own bank known as Camden bank called me Elvis once, and then Bruce Lee later on, and always laughs at me as soon as I walk in the door, and they have -- three times in a row, changed their online banking settings each time I sign up for their bank, exactly 2 months into using their service, so that I am somehow unable to use online banking.. I can read peoples minds sometimes, and also directly trransfer my own words into their heads. I've been telepathic, and now more telepathic, for about 13 years. I once read large groups of peoples minds all at once. My heart races fast, just to admit it. I'm essentially a very misdiagnosed psychic, and I have also been called someone with a "personality disorder" according to the Maine Healthcare System. I was on drugs, literally still high when they diagnosed me with bipolarism. I stopped taking medication for a year (or two) and functioned fine, and this diagnosis was removed. Also, PTSD was removed. OCD, depression, etc. The only diagnosis I was left with was schizophrenia. Dorothea Dix weighed me, clothed me, and took care of me, while I was healing, and they stated to me I was a "Model Patient." When I went through detox, I was highly regarded, and people would crowd around me. Walk over to where I was sitting, and just start talking to me. People randmomly told me their names in the TV room, when I least suspected any attention at all.. I didn't totally follow the rules there, either. But the doctor told me I have a very high IQ, from his first impression (Dr. A) -- and he said I also seem to have a "very" low band of the spectrum of schizophrenia. I smoked laced weed, and took a 15 mile walk into the night unttil also being run over by someone, when I lied, and said to the police I am schizophrenic, when in truth I experienced apportation, telekinesis, and flight (levitation) -- twice -- all at once, in a single night, but didn't have the proper nerve to tell anyone what I really experienced that night .. I just couldn't die. I wasn't going to die. God, or "something" helped me up, and i was lying in the grass with my face down after teleporting twice, not feeling grass against my skin, and then feeling grass against my skin. I got up, and started walking. I met someone in a car, and immediately smiled at him. U already knew what I wanted to say. He screamed, "STAY OUT OF THE ROAD< MOTHERFUCKER!" When I said, "you don't need to fight fear with feae. it's okay. trust me.' I made his car swerve, by tricking out his FM trnsmitter, and steering wheel with my telekinesis, and sent him careening from almost 5 feet of the road to the other, at a very fast and dangerous rate, until he his the brakes. I also screamed, "Magneto!" very loud, for no apparent reason I could understand .. The doctor wanted to sneak me out of the hospital .. "I'm ex-military, Brendan." "What if we just went to my car, to listen to the Foo Fighters." He's followed, and researched me for years. Until he himself finally turned on me .. In the Acadia hospital, where I just was. And had to electrocute him through a door. - Brendan Lee Sprague