The Zeta Reticuli : Report On Brendans Thoughts Truth be told, Brendan S could care less for the mentally ill. "They are record time-bombs." People with mental illness in America, in actuality, and factuality, "disgust" Brendan S. From their personality disorders, their addictions, to their sadism, he is disgusted. He thinks lowly of his own race, because he's only gotten to know the worst of you. People walk around in circles all day Or work tireless meaningless jobs just because they're easy jobs While he programs, writes for the internet, works for the NSA, and is a paid "rock musician." People all across America burn, and writhe in the gas chamber of their own choosing. From animal, to the greatest spirit, they are born rotten, and die rotten, as imagined by the worst. In Mein Kampff Hitler loves his country, but he despises the malificent in reality. Did you ever know Hitler..? He had his art dealer's ass kicked for being rude to him, almost directly after WWI. And then killed hundreds of thousands of jews for "witchcraft" And then put over 100,000 mentally ill people into a chemical gas chamber, and killed them. Not only does "Brendan S" hate mentally ill people, mentally ill people hate themselves, And they've burned at the stake in the name of the devil for as long as hands and fingers can count. Crazy people just aren't worth a damn... They look funny. They talk to themselves. Nobody cares about crazy people. - Z