When we look to the idea of "God" we hear a syllable. A mere tone, intonating the "Ahh" sound of the heart chakra. Which is 639 hertz. According to science, however, God is just pure energy. Energy can not be created nor destroyed. Energy both created, and sustains us. "Eye For An Eye" said Jesus Christ. If they test with electricity, let the equation live on. It can not be explained, but in a unique Cross and Y-Shape design, the early scientist Edgar Allan Poe detailed Earth's electrical signal in a diagram, that I had myself left flagged in a chapter of a book I owned while watching a movie filmed in the 1920s, with the elder Tesla in it. He drew the same pattern in the sand. And I have a theory about who his reincarnation is. The truth is, nothing really dies. Reincarnation should be studied more in America, to get a better sense of our DNA, and genetic disparities. In illness, or "the healing arts" (dis-ease, as Edgar Cayce would call it) -- In the words of David Bohm, a student of Einstein, we all essentially suffer from a problem of "fragmentation." If we suffer from a problem of fragmentation, we yield schisms and bad impressions -- the bad things we don't need, when we are termed schizophrenic. Or the sad thoughts when we are depressed. Or the suicidal affirmations when we are suicidal. Which I have had to rid away before. In essence, no matter what, this is a feeling of emotion, the emotion that the system and New World Order wants to suppress, and take away from you. For this reason, I enjoy movies, and being in a sedated state while I watch a film. The study of telepathy, and telekinesis interest me because I have evidence of each. I am not impressed by the pseudo-scientists, and bad doctors in America. And I will always have a lot to say on the subject of science. Lately, I am just focusing on frequency -- sounds and vibrations. The waves that make us up. That's all I've been doing lately. -S