I once got caught smoking weed at work. It was from my co-worker, who didn't enjoy being around my joint-smoke early in the morning.. She told the boss (this was my last job) -- And Bob, on the ride home, who had lost his daughter to brain cancer when she was 18, told me, "Brendan. I know you want something. But I have to tell you, there is a God. There IS a God." I cried a little, "Thanks, Bob." I said. * * * * * * * I know there is a God. My father believes in God. He goes to A.A. with me sometimes. We even used to smoke together. We don't anymore .. Just cigarettes and coffee now. My family actually understands drug addiction, and we're all above most of it, except for some of my mother's family. I'm the most reformed out of all of them .. I test myself, but I'm not the addict I used to be. I think that we all came from something. Something created you. Through the gnosis of combined waves, so the Earth was somehow created, by a formation of waves, but you, were also created the same way. And in the likeness of this wave, I represent (to myself) an avatar for energy, and the wave itself. I represent electricity, and the energy you all abuse. I have been a network engineer, systems tester, and "social engineer" (as well as hacker on the side) almost since 1995. I don't care about the consequences anymore. I know the "system" isn't buddhist, and they don't care for reincarnation, or "people with the God complex." But I don't have the "God complex." I am not a pantheist. I know there is a higher power I pray to, and I pray to many higher powers. There IS a God, and you should believe me because I am the one telling you. -- I have been picked up from the mud and the dirt by my own parents, and they are one of my higher powers. Your parents love you, and you should not oppose them, or your own leaders, or your own God. Nature is not God. The universe is a much closer thing to God. Look up. Don't look down. Because I know God cares about you, no matter what you've done, or plan to do. -Brendan S