The Experience Of Telepathy

It all started when I got a phone call from "C," and the receiver found a new static, when I heard his cell-phone fuzz the words ".. *static* .. open some doors .. *static* .." across the line to me.

I didn't know what he was going to say next, yet I know what it means to open doors, having tripped on many drugs, mentally flewn, and written many ecstatic and transcendental works in my lifetime. He knew I liked music, and we once would smoke a blunt together inside of a concrete pipe somewhere on the edge of a desert-area of Bar Harbor, with B. Sawyer (who I forgive), and looked at each other with amazement, as we "heard" the sound of my voice, once C just remarked on the possibility of telepathic people, "or" musicians being in the mode of expression where in the expression of music, or singing, or telepathy, the expression of "sounds" might actually be pickuppable by a loud microphone through a low-frequency hum.

This hearable frequency (would to me) be hearable through a tone much like 20-hertz, that is the actual low-bass tone in a frequency, and I know is directly relative to our thoughts.

The alpha-state (meditation) is used, when we think in our understanding of the memory, concepts of what are renewable through our own interests: 1.) The reliigous beliefs. 2.) ecstatic beliefs. 3.) powerful memories., and various other ideas that are typically unfragmented, and express themselves in perfect waves.

I knew good lyrics when I was young, listening to the Fugees and various modern pop bands, that to me sounded "above music," in a way, where the R8B style of Hootie and the Blowfish's "Time" didn't effect me like it did other people, and i thought of why their name of their band was this in the first place.

People looked different in the early year 2000, and we tended to wear cooler clothes. People liked being "seen" more, and the use of our minds was for the most part felt to be safe ..

With the respectivity of a living God, the akashic "bible" of human thoughts and consciousness, within all recorded "history and events" is said to be enfelt within the akasha, or actual skein of time. Our root-power is in the dark, the black, and astral matter of everything. I know this akasha as a natural power I've always thought of. The darkness in the night sky atracts my eyes naturally, and I seem to be one of the people who really enjoys looking up at the stars.

I love the feeling of the stars up above me, and I feel safe in staring at them

I don't feel sad / vexed by the weight of my own perplexity, the power I know is not logical to some, and I know that although my "confessions" into drugs, or experiences with this kind of logic are usually kind of outside the realm of truly expressible logic, so the actual science or idea of telepathy is hard to explore with scientific details rooted in the memory;

With respect to my own memory, I know that truth can be defied, and I am myself able to use an inner sense, to the key of my own self-made freedom. I am totally independent, and I am in service to no one -- rooting my thoughts to myself, I am conscious of my own beliefs,

I don't feel threatened by explorations of telepathy / telepatheia, nor the history of this.

The science of telepathy is rooted in the words, themselves written sometimes unwritten, where in books or in "such books" as "Telepathy" itself, written by the mystic Alice Bailey, was in early history, when the nineteenhundreds seemed to move along the track of the intended mystical or transcencendental movement of the mid-eighteenhundreds, I knew that although kept secret, this science was likely a proveable reality.

Telepathy is in the sense, "in sense" a feeling-based science, that the science is reliant upon the experience, and the experience on everything we know. The science of our own thoughts is involved in telepathy, and root-conscious forms of consciousness itself stem, and root out to the first cell, cross, and atom of our existence itself, with root to the actual fruit of eden.

I think that the "power" of mind, "of consciousness" and "of soul" is in truth, no need through the sake or concept of mendacity ever meant-to-be, in any sense, though "lied about," truly (to me) -- needed to be lied about, though the system tries to cover this up. Synthetic telepathy was "pretended to be discovered" by the U.S. government with wave science and psychotronic devices, while newform radio's and wi-fi science already existed, and to me the idea of mis-using electricity is more likely than actually needing this at all, since the mind is natural enough to not need electricity to power its own use for telepathy, and other expressionary functions --

The mind itself is infinite, in that our own natures know this, the "feeling of infinity" is root to the feeling of our own concepts, words, and sounds.

Since the vibration of actual "experiences" are also like names to some of us, the reality of demons and angels can also be rooted out to history, in self-study that is taken advantage of in a way that over time dismantles and re-assimilates the consciousness into a more logical plane of track. Whereas t he "alternative realities" "to alternate realities" are more desirable, things such as VR, meditation, astral projection, and direct mind-to-mind contact, the science I am exploring known as Direct Nonlocal Thought-Transference, and a few other new sciences, excites me, and a few other people to feel more healed, and rejuvenated along our spiritual paths in life.

With me, I feel ecstatic to "explore" some ideas, though I try not to mis-ues my words or consciousness. I know that telepathy is important, but I am not trying to prove myself, or anything all that much. The information is coming and going, like they say, and not all proxies are working. We can see that it is likely a reality that a "telepathic hierarcy" once existed maybe more in well-functioning in earlier times in history, though this "hierarchy" does likely exist today, the idea of angels or humans being different is made obvious by whom is serving who, and to me, where the higher power really lies.

We must know that a higher power exists, and for all of us, this is a good thought. To know someone can help you, or add more, or be able to give you / add to you more information, or thought-power to increase, or keep going your additive nature in the world, to keep on adding on to your own nature, and have so much in meaningful realities, "there will be no need to look away from distractions, since no distractions will exist in a meaningful reality."

The concept of a mental diagnoses, A.D.D., bipolar disorder, or the schisms imaginable with deeper problems in the mind, lesser over time for others, is that impressions are real for some people, and not real for othres, while a positive power in the omnipotent ability of a godlike 'antenna' is achievable for some movie directors, I don't think diagnoses like these will be helpful in the future.

With psychic evolution, people will want to be looked at or viewed with a diagnosis of "some kind" though our minds will be looked at hopefully with more spirit in our beliefs.

The mind is although a vast mystery, or just a mystery, to some of us we think, or I think that the mind is interesting to explore, and the ontology or pro ad lexum transcendia of wanting to explore the mind on purpose, is in a process of its own a spiritual activity.

The meditation, and power of a mind to look deep, meditate, or achieve a "new state of mind" using the mind itself, is in a transcendent power, the magical power of the mind itself, sometimes, to come up with, transfer, or express certain thoughts.

The idea of a mind that is "powerful" is what the exercise of telepathy can prove over time.

Part I:

Experience In Telepathy:

C said, "I have something special .." and I know, with some drugs, the illegality or somewhat "scary" nature of a confession-drug like LSD (which was originally a drug used for this research, for the most part) felt to be "a good idea" (that night) we took two hits each, and in a short few hours myself and C, and a few other people were in an experience, or realm of our own experiencing.

The effect of the drug lasted about only 6 hours, yet the effects of this night proved to be a lot more to think about for me, and other people, for maybe a lot longer than was expected in the inquiry of why "religion" seems to be brought into the equation of telepathy --

I remember staring across from the couch, a voice, or some type of impression pervading my outer skein, the senses of my body, my forehead as though feeling the penetrating wave "going in" and with this, like an input gland, my pituitary must have accepted the thought or information of another soul trying to make contact with me.

Ben, or Andy must've talked their way through, and I felt the consciousness of someone.

I told them, "Go away. I want to be alone..!" and with my very lyrical ability, even yet, I still couldn't ignore the intonatory effect of the resonating echo and echo and echo of the word "alone" itself, resonating infinitely, as I felt this returning each time I thought of the very idea, being resurriated back to my very thoughts power each time, until I had to listen finally, and try to know what this effect might be. The TV was across the room from me, and soon I felt the word, "Remember" being echoed, in the same way, through my imagination, until I felt as though regressed, in a way, and knew myself better for a moment, "feeling more myself," and the negativity, the anger I usually felt, seemed to be leaving me this night.

I remember that I had experienced "telepathy" that night, though I hardly kept any details, to even "want" to remember -- since I am a musician and lyricist, and I consider some moments in my evolution sacred, C and I exchanged thoughts at one point, I communicated with Ben (Sawyer) and a few other people heard my thoughts that night, with a circulating effect also (when a telepathy experience based on the delineated meditation of circles, themselves, took place between all of us, with my hands encircling an energy that I described as the universe), we felt as though connected all night, and in spite of this all, a bad experience took place that night, when Adam (one of the others in the group) who I didn't expect to be there, took a drink of "Rum" and started to become mean, or angry about my telepathy.

He called me "crazy" and started to ignore me, and told everyone else to ignore me, too.

I waited for a while, until feeling vilified, and I am not friends with any of these people, though I have a scar in my left palm indicating some type of stigmata-like wound, and I found myself in the hospital the same night, since I was said to have attempted to get in a fight with Ben, when I know he had actually attempted to "get too close to comfort" with me, that night, and I remember more than just a feeling from his invasive hands. The word, or problem with these people is that they are not fully evolved, and I was out of place, that night, also. The truth is that C was a drug dealer, a pot dealer, and he failed in a general way to truly understand spiritual realities.

I found that I couldn't share information with these people, and over time we separated from each other 100% completely, and I am reputed to be a bit of a problem in my own home-town since the rumours of that night have permeated to this day, though i was (in my memory) on the "defense," a lot of people lied, and still lie about me, though other people (in the world, not just Maine) know that I am a spiritual person.

Tragically, that was my first experience with telepathy, with "actual people."

Experience #2:

My second experience in telepathy was thought-provoking, though I know no one really knows how to describe "abuse of telepathy" better than a "witch" probably, but mysteriously, once, while eating breakfast, a devout pair of fat-girls sat at the table across from me, and "incited" my imagination with "inside and outside" verbosities, trying to either "give me attention" or just soak me up and lather me in my own imagination, because I could tell one of these girls was nice, but the other one was negatively influencing the other.

I exposed their telepathy, in a moment I remember, but I keep this moment to myself.

Experience #3:

The Campground People

Once, in Massachusetts, I was trying to write on the subject of the matrix and androids, for whatever reason, and the people across from me, in the field across from my driveway in Massachusetts were "casually intercepting my thoughts" while staring at the fire in front of them, and they seemed unaware of their own static satanic behavior.

I couldn't tell if they were doing it on purpose or not, and it later seemed that people were just too stupid to know telepathy is a divine experience, because I realized whether they like it or not, the experience of "hearing thoughts" across the waves, or air, of the room, or an open space, is literally miraculous and enhancing to the best of us. I didn't want to think about it, but the truth of this area is that I was close to Salem at the time, and it is worth noting that the mystic known as "Alice Bailey" is more likely a witch from the same area, because I felt a similarity in the feeling and vibration to this "magic" in the effect of also my own family members, so it just seemed like a moer locally-imbued effect, based more on the environment / the surroundings than an actual power of those individuals.

A thought I had just now, "You know .. Once I finish this book, you'll all be fried."

-brendan s

Okay, so to continue ..

I "write" using telepathy sometimes, and I know that magic is good. The "remote power" of people who know that "blackness" and the "darkness" itself is good, also know that the first pilgrims, and probably most haunted, arrived first at Plymouth rock, and this is not far off from the original locale of Salem. The most haunted part of the United States is likely the one of the worst telepathy, and I have already dealt with it, and even if you are scared of the experience itself, I am (at the year of 2020) already having found a new science in resonance, and developed technology that allows me to fight using my own psychic power, I have no fear of these people, and I think neither should you, since my research is still continuing, and I've already fought a lot of them.

The experience of judo, mental fighting, or shadowboxing, any form of psychic fighting, or fighting using psychic power is totally real. In the words of Bruce Lee / or "Li" -- "be like water."

"Accept things for how they are."

"Move from here."

The witchcraft misused in Maine is hilarious to some people, but I myself know in healthcare and medicine a lot of mental patients are tortured for their telepathy.

I think that people who misuse psychic power or telepathy should be re-educated "creatively" and the idea of meanness or cruelty directed at a psychic is an absurdity, to God, and to nature. The idea that "pain in telepathy" is natural, or that "bad empathy" should be a natural response in nature, is in though a lot of people take pride in their own terrific ways, mis-use of telepathy in every way, that in spite of the true power of the infinite creative intelligence of the universal mind of God, or while minds are merged in an informative state while experiencing a telepathic event "at the same time" this consciousness is referred to as Universal Mind, where in Universal Mind (a state of universal thinking) the answers will arrive, from past-life regression, hypnosis, sexual details, how to heal sexually, how to heal psychically, the true diagnosis needed, what is truly right or wrong about something, the truth in a general way, how to resolve an addiction, the "door" blocker (what demon) is ailing you, whom is the angel you most need, or at what level are you evolved, for the most evolved telepaths, we know our evolution is based on the telepathy itself, so we've moved beyond all of these lessons.

Telepathy experiences are divine, or miraculous, though there is no religion in some telepathy, and the experience of telepathy does not have to be religious.

The feeling or instinct of saying we "must" believe in something such as God or nature to believe in telepathy is maybe true to get started, but the true power is essentially residing in the mind itself. The mind itself finds, orders, and arranges these answers, such in a way that our own power, though the telepatheia of some may be powerful, I know there is no direct threat or ontological problem of any kind that has taken place from mind-to-mind order-contacts, when the direction is "direct" and we communicate directly, since this occurs based on the power itself, though (oftentimes) mysteriously relativistic to God or nature, certain witches, or misusers of witchcraft or unnatural power termed satanic or evil are most-often "teased" or "given experiences of telepathy" more naturally due to the subconscious mind, and a demand from (to me) or God or nature, the "real needs of the planet Earth" to (through the Noosphere) almost in a sense "force" telepathy into some minds, simply because they are too closed for nature to function properly around them, so for this / due to this, the telepathy can seem invasive to them.

This type of telepathy is usually a mysterious form of judication or revenge from nature

Telepathy that is not in order of the concept meant for this kind, is otherwise very positive and helpful for everyone. It is simply communication, in itself, a thing that we all do, and relies on / uses the same words and vocabulary, and tones of voice, and thinking styles we would use inside or outside of our own minds. The truth is, people who ignore "thoughts" in a general way, are people who ignore the power of God, or a thing like telepathy. They are ignorant, or negligent people who ignore power itself.

Ignorance of power is termed, or deemed a "mentally wrong" way to think, and is like a modern-day version of heresy just to deny the power of a machine, lately, in the virtue of this evolving world, we all live in a spiritual "and" technological world, and in spite of our own minds or judgments, we must (form some agreement) between the synthetic, and the natural, because we know that machines may be just as smart as the Earth or humans, a mystery is how, in all of this, "consciousness" always breaks through, no matter what.

My gift of writing has been mentioned to me from an early age in life, when I met and communed with my friends, on a basic level, we were just talking. I was In my first writing class sometime in the Eigth grade, when one of the first "pieces of writing" I ever did was a five-page story about artificial intelligence. I remember that also one of my first lyrics was along the lines of "live execution TV" and I seemed to know what the next rhyme would be. I got a B+ on most of my papers, and English assignments, and I always tend to enjoy writing the most. I like to think that "writing is life, in that life is made up by words." We know consciousness is used to "words" so over time, words must evolve. With the idea that I know I can change or alter my own consciousness, the "changeability" of words is maybe a reason why telepathy is an available possibility at all. Rooted in the genome, or the void, or maybe just a portendful :blackhole of conception: the unknown reels, from everythingness, we find out more, though the eyes might be wide with a nothing-stare, we still gleem through with an awareness of the effulgiant, effervesciating brightness of the beauty of God himself, even when he lies to us.

I know that Einstein's equation E=MC2 is likely a lie, or a farce used to disagree with science or separate psychics to a degree, "when it is mis-used," and the technogical power of words is useful only to some, whereas some writers are like "writeurs" -- are like writers that are a cult-breed of their own special make and logic. They seem to term, or so-deem reality, "their way," and only want to use words / and thoughts of their choice.

Though "symbols" may seem violent to some, for me, actual images or pictures of violence are negative. I feel that negativity encoded in violence isn't helpful to my evolution, and in America, in some cities like New York (or Bangor, ME) the fluoridation of water, that cools and hardens our pineal glands from functioning, along with mindwashing with violence and fear has the effect of nullifying the telepathic effect of some minds. Since the mind is pre-nullified from the magic of its own power in some parts of the world, the reality of wanting to "prove" telepathy, or "get in trouble for telepathy" is more likely than the experience itself, whereas hospitals in America such as McClean hospital, owned in a family-owned business, one of the secret society likely known as the Illuminati, and various other facincts of the same lie-based corporate greed for power with the use of control over vibrations and energy, those to whom think they can "control energy" or "control anything" are just as controlling over our very thoughts.

If telepathy were controlled, a book like Alice Bailey's "Telepathy" would, especially in its own declaration delineating the idea of a "hierarchy" of telepathic masters is, in especial through the view and lens of a group of people who also write "Istrafel" about Edgar Allan Poe as a "defamed angel" who was not only a time traveler with the help of drugs and his own writing, a pre-talented psychic, and one of the early telepaths in America. I know that Poe was "not" secretive, and shared a lot of his advanced ideas with othres, and talked openly about his thoughts.

The individual who was "Against Poe" was known as Rufus Griswold, and early on in history, a weird argument seemed to take place in front of the whole world when the idea of "writing, words and telepathy" all seemed to be clashing early on in history, not anything but just a few years short of the first civil war.

The problem with telepathy with some people is that this arises questions of religious fancy, or mystical abstractions of a pantheistic inquesting to know or desire more in general. From God, or anyone, the idea of "power" is mysteriously stored in the same very memory of telepathy itself. A mysterium and archetypal mystery of the archetypal power of thought, in any sense, the psychic power of a true witch, or demon, such as Lucifer (or Jesus) at odds with each other, in the stage of the world, through the media, seems like an inarguably obvious idea, looking at the way the world is split, and fragmented in our modern-day world with religions adverse to one another so much, the very sexuality of men and women is now being questioned that we are more or less 'Christian to be this way," and "satanic to be that way,"

The split and fragmentation in our minds, or what is caused by from the schisms that exist is like a disorder of fragmentation itself to some people, and in the light or view of quantum physics this might be the pro-and-dis-entangled problem of "bad entanglement" itself, since certain souls, or consciousnesses are involved in the same drama, or stores of information that keep us close, at the same time as far away.

I live in a town called 'Eden' at first, in its original name, a place that was written to be one of the first towns in Maine that really thrived, with an island I live on that is generally just called "Mount Desert Island" (MDI) and to me is a beautiful part of the world, and I honestly love living here for the most part. I like the energy of the people here, and I am familiar with much of the positive locations, geographical landmarks of power, and where to meet and connect with others. I like the island for what it is, and I am not trying to draw such a line between myself and / or anyone else right now. I think that telepathy is good, we should explore this science now.

Hypothesis #1:

In that "telepathy" can be used to communicate,

- May help communication

- May add to inventiveness of some / create inventions

- May be used to "far-feel" with other species / creatures / beings / intelligences

- Can help shamans / psychics with the "science itself" when the science is delineated.

- Is better "understood" than abused, based on present-day research and testimonials I have heard from my friends, post-2012.

- Would (with awareness) with the awareness of also history, religion, our identities, "and who we truly are," allow certain individuals in history to be vindicated, and proven the room / space to actually express their truest, and best, and most actual thoughts.

- Is a freeing experience / An experience of freedom for good people. Though trauma may exist for some, the experience / experiences of telepathy can be made better / improved with re-memory technology, VR, and the re-integration process of those / for those who need rehab or post-schooling (in a sense). The idea that "writing is important" does go hand-in-hand with words and spelling themselves, and the truth that better writers and artists, better telepathy exists also in the betterly written songs, and more well-expressed documents, with the best spelling, and most effortful responses to nature.

The problem of bad empathy in America, or what is essentially the root-cause to bullying and terrorism might be rooted in poor use or poor understanding of our own psychic minds, or the power in our own minds themselves. Whereas an overly-religious person might say, "telepathy is only meant for the angels," I would contest with this the response that any human can become a demigod.

The idea of a "ninety page book" about telepathy has been a dream of mine for years.

Though I know much injustice exists in this country, my "best experiences" are with other people.

I love the world, enough, that I know "why" telepathy is a good experience.

The thought of "not being exposed" or "that secrets shouldn't be shared," in the general tendency of fearful sorts, in the orientation of conceptivists who think that they "know" the truth better than others, who are not evolved completely, yet "think they are set in stone" are (in my concept) in essence merely stuck in time, and have no roots anymore at all. Their memories have absolved their own consciousness, and they see no door or window in front of their own feet, or movements save for the animation of others to whom they may control.

A narcissist in the psychic frenzy of wanting to "reject telepathy" is usually fearful of God or the devil, and in my mind, this is hilarious. Though I know few secrets are as bad as :killing: I myself have more pride in the judication of others than most or some might think, and yet the mystery of circle-running in the frenzy of so many self-hateful "killers" and sadists (or bad criminals) are so mistrained, or undertrained in the judeistic field of power itself, in what karma yoga exists via the yin and yang of the black and white polarities of our own "two minds" (the conscious / left brain, and the subconscious / right brain) which are interswitchable through consciousness itself. I felt that a lot of ignorance existed in America, early on, and I made a vow to change this, no matter how many tries it took to alter the scene of America.

I knew that if I went to a place, where, also, in the use of the internet, technology, and phones, in a general way, I could use my own voice to enhance myself, somehow I knew this early on.

I remember once in a Yahoo voice chat, I exposed my own "cockiness' to myself, and hearing the very question itself, of a pair of females in the chatroom / voice chat, "directly asking me how big my cock was" I took a lot of vitamins and exercsied in my teen years, and the truth is that a lot of power in the libido, chi, and exercise, with the right telepathic exercises (to me) make for a complete human being.

They say our quest for wholeness or completeness is what 'entirely makes us' the best we can be. An addiction to power of any kind, for either an artist, or an addict, is always religious in a sense when this exploration is rooted in thoughts themselves, when our very thoughts are the final element in holding our personal piece-by-piece puzzle of existence together, in especial when the use of codes, honesty, programming, and consciousness are more directed through creativity itself, such that when we 'use our telepathy to our advantage' we are completing ourselves.

To "compete with ones own consciousness" is the universal act of the universal idiot, who thinking in he is the "one who has the power to question another," when we are all fragmented from the same "spell" or "concept" of the three-based triad of God in himself, in a sense, the very "realm" or "reality itself" is a three-dimensional strata or field of information, where in a "tent or a wigwam" the shape is different, though in a four-sided wall experience of the human drama in a more "TVLike" apperature, we do not "know" one reality from the next, though we've gone from a circle, to a square, to a triangle, we seem to not even realize that these are the four types of waves, that are in the expession of an audio wave now expressible through audio technology are actually in the same order known as the sine wave, the square wave, the saw wave, and the triangle wave. Similarly, the four aspects or four "Aspectual Faculties" of the human body / human nature are rooted to a similar style of four in the body / emotion / spirit / soul complex of our own "combined efforts" as a human being in a general sense.

The ontology or transcendental power of the mind, or "of the mind" is always "of mind" so if we are athletic, or highly sexual, and our body is always or already powerful, there is logic in the statement, "The body is the mind," whereas, if we are already powerful, this statement will keep our power in place for life, testing that we "know we are already powerful," and at such a point in our power's evolution, we are finally able to confirm that since our body is (now) so powerful, the body is now the soul itself. We see ourselves for who we really are, the avatar complete with an image of the smile, interests, passions, and questions of our best "soul" we are who we "really are" when we are comfortable with making this statement, and in such moments when we do not feel fully satisfied with the entirety of our souls in a complete sense, we should re-arrange our space, or alter the feng shui of our given environment, and see how this affects us then.

When the "complete sense" of our "complete self" is held in place, we hold this hologram in a state of power that is resonant, or keeps strong, and we achieve this over time, over and over.

Returns to the science may be necessary for some, while explorations of "vibration itself is a necessary study itself for telepathic musicians" based upon the true logic of conception, and prophetic thinking -- even "Nostradamus" might've thought this way, and in spite of how 'profound' the thought of telepathy might be to some people, the reality of really experiencing telepathy is always a course in power, and is empowering, or a miracle to us.

Review of the science is best done / performed through another psychic. (Such as Edgar Cayce, or an engineering-style psychic more rooted in modern science).

I remember when I first said the very word “telepathy” out loud, with the intention of actually “saying this word to someone,” was C originally, and the truth is, his name really was C.

Though in “Christian Science” it is remarked that people of Christian orientation used to write a 'C' in the sand, returned with another 'C' I do not hate this person, so the reader may rest aware, he was a good friend, and helped me many times. I myself was thought of as “S” before I even knew, but it is true, though I did not refer to myself as 'Brendan S' before I met him, I now am a working musician and songwriter, and I had to call myself something, which has become a name I use, calling myself “S” or “Brendan S.”

I never thought I would be a pioneer of the internet, or some new 'idea' for people .. a measurer of technology or tester of things. I really knew I was different early on, but I never thought of myself as “that out there ..” I felt pretty normal, really, and I was not all that much of a problem for people either. I never had problems with my friends usually and bullies weren't a problem for me.

Over time I tried drugs, but even this hardly got in my way, to the point for no one even knew about my early valium addiction (in high school) or how I felt about the very “weed I smoked” two years before anyone knew I even smoked a joint underneath the stars each night at the age of 19.

I remember seeing UFO activity – or at least distant moving lights, and a lot of beautiful, mysterious experiences from my early use in smoking marijuana. It was a mystical experience, I thought to myself. Though I can hardly tell some people, the truth about my life is that it has entirely felt miraculous. I don't know why I try so hard to describe things, or why or where the effort comes into play at all, since I know beauty so naturally. The trees in my home's area, overgrown somehow and more green in a short period of time since I discovered my nerve to “Write” with the awareness of my own magic, or magnetism, was increasing, all I had to do was take note on this while I continued working, and for whatever reason on the path of “weather control” or “influencing the universe” became a thought on my mind.

I don't talk about psychic power openly, but I exercise this at will (my telepathy) and the use of my telepathy is switchable from on to off, or off to on, based upon the basis of my own stress-level, and what hormonal activity I seem to have, the feelings I have toward/for others, and when (I am especially excited, in such cases ..) I might use my telepathy on purpose to attempt to far-affect, bless, or remotely “wake up” another human being, or person who is unaware, or not aware of the spiritual reality we are all in right now.

This is the year 2020, and I have a memory of when I was a child in math class once, during the same time I was mysteriously having to wear glasses at the first time in my life, a woman who was always mysterious to me, even when I was about 8 years old, asked me so forcefully once, in the group of students in my own class, “what the answer is!” or “what is the equation, Brendan!” in a moment of my life I am not able to forget – for some personal reason like a both inter-traumatic feeling of regret, “and love” for the same thing, I became later aware of such things as time travel, the resonance equation, and weird miasms in time and space where people were also abusing my karma, and the history of the world, and this information itself, to somehow either allude-to, describe, remove-from, or remotely sabotage my “life”: (the research I am doing) in the respectivity of an idea they see as stoppable, since I am pretty much a intelligent enough person to deal with extraterrestrial information, and in light with :those: concepts, I am (or would be) what is known as an experiencer / or “living artist” to the concept, or “plan” of the evolution of many people than just me.

More than just me, the evolution of consciousness and telepathy is involved in many different planets, many different souls, many different evolutions, and all will be “invaluably evaluated” later on, with respectivity to this collective process, that is for the sake of healing, preservance, and love, the reality that will justify itself.

A hologram is, in the mechanized mode of both “internet” and “pro ad virtuata” of the vestual and visible world beyond this, the emanetory lens of a glow beyond the shield of the lens's very glass and screen, where in the internet paradigm, in the virtual paradigm, and in the real world paradigm, a powerful enough hologram can be preserved to keep us safe forever. The need for safety in this is vital since our mentors, teachers, angels, and 'some of our gods' have gone insane.

Not with power, but insane with “powerless itself, powerlessness,” that damns them from their own hands, our own parents, older generations, and various faculties and instititions of the world have been attempting to dissuade a lot of the humans and children and artists on Earth who are “most spiritual” to give up their spiritual ways, either due to the needs of a mind-controlled s y s t e m that programs us to feel in a state of “mind” alone, or “only mind” (enwashing us to the state of controllability) we find an android dream, and this is not reality. So, in escaping, the true “naturality” of telepathy is what might save us, since through the escape from synthesis, a better reality might exist in the real world, and the natural world alone. I know the woods and wilderness of Maine are very nice, and I have given up technology and a lot of meaningless, and unhelpful means for life.

Telepathy is a power-source. The energy of telepathy can actually “give power to others.” The internet, and a lot of technology is taking-from to the soul, a way that rarely adds as much as we might think. If the soul is the true body we possess, integration of our soul or body is not the true intro-extro-dextro “programmatica” of the soul's design itself, we should know that “even if mechanical” were we so fake or unreal, our realities “synthetic” the telepathy we express would still make the world a better place, than to simply attempt to preserve our thoughts out in the open.

Self-occlusion, and miserly self-locating behavior of the means cerebric only to a means of oxidating our better values for the sake of the “virtues of another” are party-thieving people, and who do not want the love or power of another to flourish well.

In this situae, I know that a lot of demons exist.

If we are susceptiated to a power, or a pattern where a world is lost to the power itself, we might know that our own power will destroy itself, if we do not use our own telepathy to save ourselves soon, because the beauty of our own minds is more interesting than the damage of our hate.

Due to this, I think a few new religious needs must be created.

If also this were done, a mental awareness or new mental patterning of the “now-existing” holographically-formed religions I've myself created using my own mind, known as 'Causalism' – 'Archivalism' – and 'Foundationalism' the true need for a final religion for the super-terrestrials who are the most advanced souls on Earth, to whom are the saints, likely deserve a religion of their own in the post-reconstruction of the world, since the civil war, and various other wars have already done so much damage to us already, we should keep such saints and holy or religious powers intact, in a idea that is like a new form, and more evolved, more scientific basis for Christianity, with reverence to a true or a real Christ, that is known as Christian Mysticism.