"Fuck that Poe Faggot." -- Cake (nineties rock lyric) -- I don't care what you think of me. - Brendan S .. Usually - Post Script. I think that it is funniest, when you think about an electric time traveler, this phrase, I hear from people who have visited Salem. "There is a large density of electrical energy in the atmosphere in Salem." It makes me laugh, because I've electrocuted tons of people. But no one thinks about Wild Bill Hicock. I might've freed the slaves when I was Ulysses S. Grant, but before that I faked my death, and became Hicock And shot a lot of motherfuckers for the law. I was the greatest gunman of the West, and if you fuck with me, I will electrocute you. Remember Hocus Pocus..? In an astral projection, I used a crystal to electrocute Bette Midler while she herself was perposited as electrocuting someone else -- so notice the large "density" of water in her eyes, during this scene. Hilarious, right, the double-page of laughter..? I think so. But the timelines are all mixed up. Because we now live in a matrix, and history doesn't matter anymore. Before Poe, Percy Blysshe Shelley was Thomas Paine. Don't get me started on Seth of Azhraham. They say he was Lamech. - Brendan S (But no one cares about Wild Bill Hicock).