Good Drugs For Fighting: Cigarettes. Good for a job well done moment. Heroin. Makes you feel no remorse for your actions. And also kills pain, so you can deal with anything. Cocaine - Jacks you up, and keeps you going. Sativa Weed (Specifically) -- For a prolonged period of time, your weed-high will actually increase i f you stick to Sativa. It activates creativity, the right-brain, and thus more spirituality. Opium - Helps you deal with pain, and think clearly. And also forget, As well as remember what's important. Leaving out the rest. A memory-based drug. Any pill or druglike substance that is similar to the effect of heroin, is probably the best for fighting. It can also be used as a steroid, when dosed properly. The only way to die on heroin is your own decision to do a large amount, and there "are" safe ways to get and do drugs that are illegal, in such ways that you will not destroy your life. Pervitin (a pill form of meth) was given to German soldiers, to make them "high artillery" -- and fuzzing yourself with drugs that aren't helpful is not going to be the proper choice during a time of war. Drink coffee constantly when you need to, and try to force a cup in the morning. Avoid sugar and soda, please. It just makes you crash. Steroid / energy drinks should be drank sparingly. BLS