Dictionary.com: Democracy: government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. In spite of this concept, a lot of "free agents" and corruptors of the American Dream exist in the democratic pews. Noticeably, the ones in need of defamation. Why, if someone who wants "freedom" for all the people, would hypocritically involve themselves in a group of freedom when all they wish to do is argue, is hilarious. A group of supposedly "democratic" people -- those who support each other as a democracy, choosing argument over favor, are nothing more than communists in desquise. These idiots, and NWO clones, and NWO agents think they rule the country, when God rules the country. And nature rules their souls. I have little else to say except, It has been said, that I myself will become more involved in politics as time progresses. You all saw it coming, right..? Well, I'll be here. And I think a lot of laws are meant to change, And you all need to review your collective concept of democracy, and freedom, when all you want to do is defame, argue with, and name-call each-other through news broadcasts, courtroom broadcasts, and all forms of TV Talk Shows, and Crime "Specials" -- you are a defamatory nation, and you know it deep down that you love to insult each other more than agree. BLS