THE SLAVE -=-=-=-=-=- SOMETHING Needs to be cleared up. I am not just one person. Nor am I just "another person." I was before Bruce Lee a general known as Ulysses S. Grant who served the first two terms out of any president, who was also said to be a criminal and one of the worst presidents in spite of how many people loved him. I refer to him as non-psychic, because he drank and killed too much to bear the emotion of the proper empathy to truly know himself. But I know him. Before Ulysses S. Grant I was Wild Bill Hicock, who was Edgar Allan Poe after Poe used a double to fake his death, which I told him to through my first day experiencing time travel -- the first time I ever burned Egyptian Musk I told Poe to fake his death. He only smiled, and didn't cry, and was sitting at a black desk. Wearing a suit of some kind. I spoke to him for at least twenty minutes. I also helped write Tamerlane, and I am still writing Eureka, because magnetic science encompasses everything -- every life, every soul. Before Poe I was Percy Blysshe Shelley, who didn't live too long. He was able to time travel like me, but only through books and photographs. Before that, I know a few things, but the point is, I have been fighting against slavery for a long time, because there are other theories about me, some of you might hold. I know these theories might be true, but all I wish to say for now is that for every life, there is a need for vengeance against an already corrupt system that has been corrupt incarnation after incarnation -- and I have been fighting slavery for years. BLS