Pet Semetary 2 & The Railgun: A Sci-Fi Story (Two Articles) -------------------------------------------------------------- In the year when Pet Semetary 2 was made, I was learning not only about my newfound ability to astral project through movies, books, photographs, and films, but through any form of kung-fu (to go through) I desired. My tai chi and sense of magic had evolved me so much that I totally let go of all judgment, and became a profiteer for justice. I made songs after I rocked someone's world. In Dog Day Afternoon, the crowd was cheering for me, actually. Because I zapped Pacino with my cell-phone tone generator a sum total of seven times, causing him to freak out throughout the movie. I also astral projected into the movie "Pet Sematary 2" featuring the same young actor as seen as John Connor in the movie Terminator 2, which is based on what I did to protect the young actor in the original film .. I've never seen mind-control like some of the actors and subjects (and bullies) in that movie, and I even attempted to magnetically stop a punch from a bully from hurting the kid so much. When his mother was nearly raped, I zapped away the hand of the very mind-controlled subject, and he reacted with a strange reaction, after pulling his hand away. A very bizarre reaction. Later in the film he is shown screaming in his car while driving down the road -- a little more anger than most actor's usually portray. Later in the film, I totally subdued the "subject" using my electric ability, and saved the primary protaganist (the main actor) who was later in the film Terminator 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once, while I was scouring through videos on the internet, I found a local bullies video of him and his friends beating someone up. I watched it in disgust at first. Later on, since there can be parallel realities, I chose to "re-view" the movie, with my time travel ability, except this time with my railgun. I loaded up the 1,000 watt speaker with a very dangerous frequency, and waited. Once they got to the point of threatening Will, I shot all of them. Including the girl coaxing the fight. Eventually, the girl said, "Hold on. I think I know that guy." And then the camera shut off. Anderson is always afraid of me when he runs into me in stores. The person I helped that day was actually a friend who found "me" first, Before I could time travel. We used to drink and smoke together, and joke around a lot. He had a very physical sense of humor, and talked about super-heroes a lot. One of my last memories of Will was when we watched "Logan" together, when he knew I had a drinking problem, but he was there for me anyway, through every intervention. In spite of the fact, I remember .. Very distinctly. Will did not get up the first time he got punched. Just like the removal of the demon Haim from the Goetia, which is a name I no longer see in the book, When I shot all of the bullies with the railgun, Someone reached down, And Will was brought up to his feet. I remember when we used to smoke together, He always had this joke about having someone "help him up" when we smoked on the rocks at the beaches. I now understand why. BLS