Sound and Thought

Brendan Lee Sprague

Sound and Thought

By Brendan Lee Sprague

First Edition

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use, other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews or educational use limited to three pages from a chapter without written permission of the publisher.

Original cover art, derived from Unarius Illustrations

Diagrams created by Brendan Lee Sprague

Jeffrey Thompson, quoted from
Ernest L. Norman, quoted from “Tempus Interludium.”

Cymatics photo’s, with credit to Hans Jenny.

Cymatic Diagram From

Stock wave photo’s found on the web.
Tonoscope shots from cymatic tonoscope software.

(Reproducible by anyone with the program).

Visit on the web to purchase your own tonoscope software

ISBN 978-0-692-86033-5

Life is animation.”

Sound and Thought

By Brendan Lee Sprague

Waves, Vibrations, Shapes, and Forms.

All human thought can be recorded as surface wavelengths on the EEG, as the typical conscious beta cycles at about 20 hertz, creative states may reach 100 hertz, meditative states about 8 hertz, and so on. The wavelength changes throughout the day, and the changes are being recorded as relative to the nature – the theme of each thought cognition. For certain wavelengths there are certain types of thoughts, and for the higher and lower frequencies accessibility to different thoughts.

All of the units in time can be measured in terms of the basic expression of numbers, reduced down to a tone, which is simply the one repeated. There are 1000 milliseconds in 1 second, and a wavelength of 100 cycles per second could be akin to a perfect unit of a second. The tenth, as it is in the ratio’s repeated – will be patterned to create a unique response from the effect of this wavelength. The gamma wave fluctuation is the creative, inspired state, when an individual is “in the moment” of inspiration.

The cycles which are in variable rates of movement, resonate with thoughts occurrent at that vibration – while at the highest wavelengths, it can be theorized, are accessible to greater knowledge, because these wavelengths are used by everyone in the state of learning new information.

If all thought is a wave, and can be reduced to the moving process of a neuroacoustic vibration – who is to say that thought in its vibratory nature is not efficacious to the atmosphere..? All air is in constant continual motion, and there is the movement of particles for sound to propagate. A high-vibrating thought wave such as gamma at the rate of 100 cycles per second can permeate, in response to the properties of matter that are pre-resident, or have already occurred. This, to which may be viewed as the skin of time – or the substance of the continuum – is akashic, meaning derived from the Sanskrit, everywhere. It is “remembered” because it resonates with preexisting fields of information. The preexisting fields of information are truth – that repeats simply because it is true – which in some axiomatic notion might suggest that the indvidual mind is directly operative through akashic thinking – and gamma wave fluctuations of this creative intelligence generate a very unique response in nature, that is actually spectroglyphic, meaning colored with shape and form that is radiant to the three-dimensional imagination, beautiful in relationship to all art-forms, and iridescent in terms of the perception of light, brilliance, and symmetrical forms in the world.

Sound-Produced Patterns

Presently it is true that sound generates a response in nature that causes shapes and patterns to which are beautiful in relationship to all art forms, and the theory has been effectively proven.

Today in what is termed “neuracoustics” – the theory is being put into practice as a person will listen to an actual rhythmic beat, or musical melody, in order to achieve a certain mode: creative, relaxed, sleepy, etc.

Theories posited in this book are in regards to some ideas which are not so well-proven, but will be discussed for possible advent in future applications, such as the concept of telepathic function which is inducible through certain layered waves, or the nature by which a sound can actually generate a standing pattern in the atmosphere of a room or given living-space.

In one theory of psychoacoustics, it is perceived that all thoughts are in fact generative of certain shapes and forms in the termed ether, which are all exposed through certain frequencies and vibrations. This idea is in direct reference to the concept of Cymatics, which states that sound and matter are intimately entangled through vibration.

Referring to the initiators of this theory:

It was in 1787 that the physician and musician Ernst Chladni published “Discoveries Concerning The Theory of Music” and other popular works works, where Chladni (born 1756) laid the original foundations for the discipline of the science of sound we know as acoustics.

Among Chladni’s research was the theory of learning ways to make visible what sound waves generate.

With the use of a violin bow drawn perpendicularly across the edge of flat plates covered with sand, he produced many shapes and patterns that are now referred to as Chladni figures. What was the great import of this research..? The individual carefully demonstrated, that sound affects physical matter in very unique ways, and that it has the ability of creating geometric patterns – a study which began with evidence several centuries ago.

This is interesting, and points to the suggestion, but presently the area we draw most interest from is now, the study of what is referred to as Cymatics.

Hans Jenny (pronounced Yenny), a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, In 1967, released the bilingual book “Kymatik – The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations” which showed through his research what happens when one uses various materials like spores, sand, iron fillings, water, and certain viscous substances; and puts them on vibrating metal plates and membranes.

In this, what is drawn out is the appearance of shapes which vary from the
symmetrically-ordered and stationary to those that are turbulently-developing, and constantly-in-motion.

Jenny described this new area of research
Cymatics, taken from the Greek kyma, meaning wave. Cymatics shows the study of how vibrations of sound generate and influence patterns, shapes, and geometric forms.

Jenny discovered that if he vibrated a plate at a specific frequency and amplitude, a certain vibration, motion patterns and shapes unique to that vibration appeared in the material on the plate. When he changed the frequency or amplitude, the formation and pattern was changed in due response. With changes to frequency, amplitude, the patterns continued to produce new shapes.

The Vowel “A” In Sand

This field of study is profound and thought-provoking. The idea that it may relate to the true nature of a cell, or the atom, is suggestive that such shapes exist in parts of the human body on an etheric level. The idea in general concept is how, perhaps, a wave of human thought could be having its own unique effect on the shapes of cells in our bodies.

Presently, Cymatics is being performed using water, which is relative to the studies of Masaru Emoto in his own water crystallization studies regarding the effect of human consciousness on crystal patterns. Shannon Novak, a New Zealand artist, issued to have twelve different notes vibrating through water, and the results were interesting. Images from

These patterns are displaying the effect of certain notes as they produce the geometric forms. If nature reacts in substance to produce these forms, and they are obviously resembling snowflakes or other unique forms we see repeating – where is the new theory, which posits that human thought can also generate such shapes..? In the dimension of thought, such as the space-time variables involved, and the perception of such dimensions existing elsewhere in space-time, why wouldn’t the animate moving process of matter in motion react, to produce either the “geometric” forms – or distorted, chaotic cycles..?

Sound-produced patterns geometric, and symmetrical suggest the true beauty of nature, however unseen. Clairvoyant minds like C. W. Leadbeater who wrote “Thought Forms,” with his groundbreaking idea describing the human aura. We are living in a world, it would seem, of things the perceptions are not able to pick up with the conscious mind – as the beta thoughts of a normal thinker not imagine the logos generated by his or her higher-vibrating thoughts, but they still exist nonetheless.

The energy transmissions into the atmosphere generative of some type of response in nature, in reference to Emoto, would be perceived that human consciousness is effective to the substance in motion. Emoto, who is a pioneer in the field of water crystallization studies, decided to take high-speed photography of water crystals in a very cold room, and ended up with countless photographs of “thought”-produced crystallization patterns, according to his theory in motion. The phrase, “Love and Gratitude” generates a beautiful crystal structure, while an obviously mal-inclined thought in certain words generated a distorted, and asymmetrical form. If human consciousness and sound are entangled – neuroacoustically, and we are indeed having an effect on the substance in motion – it must be understood that the human body is a majority – about sixty percent water, where the brain is seventy percent water. The Earth is seventy percent water; and water is the substance that has been, and is presently elemental to various terrestrial planets beyond the soul of the Earth.

In the book, “Solaris” by Stanislaw Lem, it is very descriptively shown, even down to theories regarding the chemical substance, how a planet in his fictional work known as Solaris in truth is a living brain that reacts to the thoughts of her inhabitants. The brain generates seemingly real effects based on the imaginations of the cosmonauts, and manifests re-memories into real life based on their subconscious inhibitions. As a result, the explorers find “if we truly wish to explore another planet – we must first explore ourselves.”

The first step to understand the process of such causal creative thinking, that is generative of positive shapes in nature – would be reduced to the process as it exists in terms of the rhythm of expression. Saying, all thought is expressed in a unique rhythm in terms of the voice that lies within – and all waveforms of speech frequencies are encoded with the signature essence of the individual expressor. Nature will react.

How this is regarded in other planes, or strata of perception, is referable to to the many ideas held and perceived by various psychic and clairvoyant minds.

The Atomic Wave Vortex

The atomic wave vortex, as seen, is a depiction of how an atom generates a vibration that permeates – such as to produce the radial transmissions of energy that stem outward from the hardcore nucleus. An atom, in terms explained by the only people who truly understand it – psychics, and clairvoyants – many who are unknown – and those to whom may only know that the atom is according to their science a transmission of energy.

The reason why the atom can not be examined too closely is because it is as though staring into a mirror – because the atom is in itself a hologram, through which is likened to a miniature solar system, that is holographic in the respect the one contains the whole. So, in terms of this holographic theory, one might say that the image of the entire body is contained within a single cell. A big life change for someone who is for example in the throes of alcoholism, who may reach sobriety through some incidence, is effectively re-educating his atoms to a different vibration as a result of the choice to live a longer life – and as his “choice to live” is incorporated into the atom, the actual life-span, and life-cycle is effectually interpolated into the vortex. The vortex sends the information through other atoms, and all atoms in the living host are effectively re-adjusted. To reduce cancer in the body, one might focus on readjustment of the atomic vibration.

The idea, of course, that such an ailment as cancer being generated by some type of process inherent within the mind still stands to infinite study. This may never be effectively proven, but has been regarded by many as an issue which deals with past-life karma, and inherent gene qualities, to effects from the environment. It is in concept an ailment that can be treated, however, on holistic levels, and this has been shown many times throughout history.

It has been said, according the ancient mystic known as Rolle, that, “thought turned to song is the highest act.” The subconscious mind reacts profoundly to music – and the reason why is because it is actually affecting cells in the body. The resident obviousness of this idea should be fixed. I do not think atomic vibrations are something which humans will continue to overlook, the more individuals try to understand the cellular malformations such as cancer, and other dis-eases.

Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson of the center for neuroacoustic research, has some unique theories about the atom. He perceives what is referred to as the “ether” that is the Akasha, or the essence of what is a logos within the matter in space, and exists everywhere. As quoted from

. . . From this standpoint the electron and proton are not separate particles, but two different ends of a vortex on the substance of the Ether itself.” “A multi-dimensional tornado in the ground substance of the universe.”

The vortex of energy movement in the Ether has a clockwise / positive charged spin at one end (which we call a proton), penetrates our universe, into the next higher dimension and exits back into this dimension of Ether at a different position as an opposite spin direction and charge - the other end of the same vortex (which we call an electron). This relationship of the two ends of the vortex with opposite spin charge – the other end of the same vortex (which we call an electron). This relationship of the two ends of the vortex with opposite spin and charges conform to the mathematical laws of harmonics and overtones which we see manifested in the construction of all natural systems (including the construction of our own bodies). These elemental vortexes in the Ether (the proton / electron pair with the neutron) arrange themselves in harmonic numbers and patterns which we have ordered into what we call the Periodic Table of the Elements. This arrangement of the elements in the periodic table also follows the laws of harmonics, and overtones, set forth in the law of octaves and which we see reflected to how nature grows its own systems.” – J.T.

The theory resolves to virtually the exact same notions posited over fifty years ago by the psychic and clairvoyant Ernest L. Norman – who states, in “Tempus Interludium”:

The Atomic Vortex, by Ernest L. Norman

. . . Now, strangely enough, the scientist has never seen an atom nor any of the tiny particles of which it is supposed to be composed. It is also rather strange that he has succeeded in building up a whole new science about this hypothesis. The scientist is not, however, quite correct in assuming that an atom is composed of solid particles as revolving in orbits around a nucleus. What might appear to be a solid electronic or neutron might be, if it could be examined, simply an aggregate mass of tiny cycular wave forms. These wave forms are, of course, held together in a frequency pattern by a flux of energy which is actually energy expressed in another dimension which stems from the central vortex of the atom, which has erroneously been called the nucleus. This central vortex is actually, in a sense of the word, a tiny hole through which has free-moving intelligent energy from an outside dimension enters into the atom. This energy is actually the controlling God force of the atom and in expressing this intelligence into the atom, determines not only its characteristic, elemental make-up or atomic weight, but also its dominating characteristic which enter into the molecular structures which, in turn, can become cells and living tissue in the body.”

Norman perceives the atomic vortex, in his other descriptions, directly relativistic to what is claimed by Thompson, as, to quote Norman where he has stated so many times throughout his texts, “the atom is a transmission of energy from an adjacent dimension, that terminates at the hardcore nucleus of the third dimension.” Presently, the theory as it exists holds the most rationality in terms of the value of sound and its affect on the body, as Norman is one to suggest that the spiral is radial to “waveform” transmissions.

He claims no form of whatever block may occur, that an adjustment to the atom itself may cure virtually any ailment, such as himself had claimed to had done throughout his life and times.

In this perception, which is more advanced than most are willing to think, grasp, or understand – the atom is “vibratory” in nature, not only that, but to adjust the atomic vibration would perhaps mean adjusting the atoms of others in the Ether as well. I am sure that when we are able to think more in terms of neuroacoustics, that all thought generates a unique response or reaction however unseen – and refers to our thoughts more as a sonic emanations, that travel – and affect the atmosphere, as well as the cells of other bodies, we might start to re-think the words which we are using – the tones which are cognating, and the thoughts that tend to recur. This meta-cognizance neuroacoustic, and vibrational, would reduce itself, eventually, to the use in which perhaps the actual language itself has evolved.

The Power of Words

All words exist in many different forms, and some words vibrate differently than others. All words are written in the psyche with certain unique vibratory letter combinations, and all letters that make up each word are vibrations unto themselves.” BLS

Based on this quote, this theory in motion would be the practice of thinking in terms of the written word – that is inscribed in the psyche as the choice thought-patterns, “on the canvas that lies within.”

The choice to think in terms of word vibrations, reduced down to the letter, is relativistic to the nature of DNA, and when language evolves to the point where the language is adjusted to suit better gene directives such as a prolonged life-span, somehow preset in the mind, a re-adjustment of malformed cells, or any muscles in the body, and changes to atomic vibrations to live in a higher vibration of thinking – the DNA has evolved to a new template, and this “template” is the foundation through which the new words may thus arrive.

In this concept, we are as individuals authoring the text of our own realities, the book of our own reality.

When this occurs the rhythm of thinking is so tensed to the moment, the flux of thought, words, in terms of the rhythm they are intoned – vibrate specific to the gene functions necessitated through the sequence. What occurs is that the DNA itself can be reduced to numbers in sequences referring to letters, and the genes themselves can become word-based functions, in accordance with the theory being posited.

Russian Geneticists are now stating that “words and frequencies” are already encoded in the lexicons of our genes. How, then, or, why wouldn’t we be considering re-writing them with our own thoughts, words, and ideas..? Beliefs, in the essential end-run terms..?

In concept, all thought is “written” in the aspect of what is held in regards to a belief-pattern. All thought “written” on the canvas, is expressible to a unique array of points, and fixed ideas, through a function which is perceivably relativistic to the idea of a sort of lexicon, or dictionary of ideas in the mind. In the theory of psychoacoustics, words themselves have the affect to alter genes whence they are in the frequency of an altered belief.

Genes will respond to certain words, and the letters affect the genes which are in the tense of the moment, in some theory perhaps meaningful to our language, or more perhaps specific to the tone, or frequency of that word. As referred to earlier, whence, in, “the tense of the moment.” The genes are in truth active transmitters – and they are not just past encodements. They are present to the moment in which can be re-written by a new experience, a new relationship, a new thought motion, a revelation, etc. Anything such as is vibrating at the rate and frequency that resonates most with the DNA.

Perceive the canvas that lies within. All things are being recorded, and "the genes will not forget until they are realized as tensed to one’s reality structures, or re-written with new directives.” *

This idea will hold that to play a song in certain unique measurable rhythms, and produce the emanations of the waves generated by the cycles of tones in the airwaves, is just as relative to the expression of a neuroacoustic vibration, and has the same effect on the cells in the body, which, is productive of geometric alignment in the cells. This can cause changes to genes when the feeling and emotion is also encoded with thoughts to which are in rhythm with the sequence of the song – and as in the future when complex concentrated information is contained in a waveform of speech patterns to which are in the key, and the inflection of the tone resonant with the cells – will be the interpolation of a thought into the cells of the body through repetition of the affirmative, and autosuggestive phrase – that will in turn, revolve in cycles integrated into the subconscious, down to the genetic level, and produce a new directive. This may run in some alignment with the theories of French psychologist, Emile Coue, who was able to cure hundreds by simply speaking to them a repeated phrase, until it set in to positive effect. By directing a wave at them in a repeated manner, he was able to encode them with a new idea. Until, really, the effect has been inculcated into the cells.

Viewed where this “complex concentrated information” is “directed” at a certain gene, the geneticists will have already extracted the root-core thought that is thematic to the gene, now, will produce a cancellation through the employment of a new thought. The cancellation is likened to that of a difference in phase, which sta nds opposite to the previous wave.

As the past can be re-written through these phase cancellations, through the interpolation of new directives, the genes will become permanently enamored with the new change, such as will transfer into one’s children, their children, and so on, to which can be a removal of everything from certain addictions, obsessions, vices, negative habits, cancer, mental illness, all forms of biological distortions, that were (perhaps) the result of past, circular movements that never reached a point – the vibrations produced by the negativisms incurred before. All is yet worked out eventually, when faith in one’s ability to see the mind as sonic, and perceived as more relative to a song. Then, words become sonic, and the mind a sonic field for the perceptions of a melodious state in equilibrium.


All theory considered, and all notions perceived, thought whether relativistic to sound or not, most intelligent human beings are aware of the feeling which lies inside – the inner sense, to which may be intuitional, and how this feeling often changes upon experiencing the nature, or “emanations” of another individual.

I believe when two people meet to share ideas, they are generating the third wave which colors and taints the environment, and when there is an honesty in the expressions, this may be productive of certain symmetrical patterns, such as when in disagreement; discordant patterns, that are resident in the atmosphere.

If thought is not physically restricted to the mind, but may be sensed or even shown through images – to the expressed degree in showing the effective power of the imagination, as matter, then everything we say and think and do matters. There is no such thing as a thought that doesn’t matter. All thought is matter, and everything matters.

When we are able to accept the true power of thought, as living force, we do not think or wish ill of others. We have the choice to surround ourselves with people who are cognizant with the motions, and patterns of their own expressionary functions. We have the ability to only be in the relationships which are in the perceptions that thought is a real thing, and it may oscillate from one thinker to the next, in patterns which suggest we are able to vibrate with one another in a more honest, and direct way.

So it is that thought is generally accepted as existing on many levels, and many differing patterns. It is a matter to which represents the moving processes expressed in nature, and this life is a moving process.

In the acceptance that all thought matters, one might refer to the law of attraction as it relates to form. One acknowledges that all thought gravitates a response in nature, and the response generated in nature can be symmetrical, or turbulently-produced. “Accepting all thought matters, one has a greater respect for the Golden Rule, a prevailing sense of purpose, and a greater concept over their interactions with others.” This perceived, as a result of a more meaningful life through the perception of the natural state of matter as a creative moving process, from waves, to the elocutions of the mind – that “all is vibration” – life is seen as lived more honestly, spiritually, purely, and imaginatively-inclined. And the cure, is the sound that lies within.

Thought Vibrations

In concept, it will be explored that it is possible for the low frequency wavelengths of thought to leave the phrenology of the skull, and propagate forms in the atmosphere. A thought wave, expressed in terms of the perceived “field of energy” imagined by the concept of seeing a relativism to the thought and sound, in terms of these “energy fields” propagate through standing waves.

A standing wave is created when two waves of opposite polarity are merged to produce a third wave, to which the third wave is the phase movement of two waves moving in opposite directions. The opposing waves produce the unique effect, where the line becomes flat, and sound emanates equally, in perfect “standing” propagation. This concept otherwise suggests: “the thought emanates outward in a standing wave created through the merging of two different polarities to produce a third wave.”

Standing Wave

In theory, since the senses are being given information at all moments, through which information is being transposed from one expression to the next, through the resulting processes in which energy is sent through the “wave atmosphere” where the patterns expressed by thought leave a residual effect on the atmospheric pressure, to result in the propagation of thought waves. Thought waves propagate in air molecules as a result of the low vibration to which is beneath the ear’s decibel range, but is perfectly readable by matter. Thoughts “propagate” in the atmosphere in the room, in the concept of what is a “Thought Vibration.”

In theory since the senses are being given information at all moments through which information is being transposed from one expression to the next, through the resulting processes in which information is sent through the wave atmosphere, where the patterns expressed by thought leave a residual effect on the atmospheric pressure to result in the propagation of thought waves. Thought waves propagate in air molecules as a result of the low vibrations to which is beneath the ear’s decibel range, but is perfectly readable by matter. Thoughts propagate in the atmosphere of the room in the concept of what is a thought vibration. Taking for example the concept of a radio, imagining that the radio is sending waves to affect the hearing range with certain frequencies, the mind is picking up this information in through the sense of hearing, and then relaying information back through thinking. A vibration is created when these two waves merge to produce the third wave, as source and thought becomes resonant, and the third wave is essentially produced of the merging of input/output patterns.

The third wave propagates in the atmosphere as a result of emotional, or energetic response, to which may come to add on, or lessen the strength of a certain thought. The thought form, in a small rectangular room, for example, to which is a vibration that comes to emanate, reflecting off the walls, and even creeping through the walls on some occasions, ranging from highly effected places such as temples, churches, to locales which have even been referred to as “haunted.”

As C.W. Leadbeater the clairvoyant and mystic was allegedly able to see energy around peoples bodies, expressed in terms of an assortment of colors and hues, this has been referred to as the “aura” and is, in spite of science, a rather well-known concept. In theory, the energy around a human body can be obviously detrimental to the environment, or vice versa, as a result of the nature of thought. A positive constructive thought would be likely focused in terms of being new, original, inventive, and unique, opposed to being found laid into the patterns of pre-thinkers perhaps more in a cyclic redundancy, versus that of an evolving pattern.

As you can see, through the use of a Cymatic Tonoscope program, I have generated various images similar to those imagined by the psychic and clairvoyant C.W. Leadbetter in the picture shown below. The remarkable similarity between these images should be obvious right away.

Photo taken by Brendan Lee Sprague

Centuries apart, and it would still appear that depictions of the “chakras” as alleged to the visible sight of the psychic Charles Leadbeater, perceiving the animate wheels, was not so far off in relationship to images produced through frequencies, and generated later on through the Cymatic Tonoscope program based upon Pythagorean code.

The images on the following pages are based on the Solfeggio tones. They are meant to offer a remote example as to how chakras truly appear.

Number of spokes, as well as variations in shape and form are all based upon the properties input regarding sand weight, and the frequency used.

396 hertz

963 hertz

As cymatics shows that sound and matter can become entangled, and that sounds affectation on matter could easily be related to the work of Masaru Emoto, and what has shown through water studies. Emoto was able to take photographs of different water-samples using nothing but concentrated thought, or actual words attached to the water-samples, to which resulted in various patterns either distorted or geometric. This may directly relate to the true nature of how our chakras are affected, when thinking in terms of the idea of thought vibrations, and the true nature of spirals as within the cell, through rotation, and that of the wheel.

Related to Cymatics, we might look at Emoto’s work and perceive that there is a relationship between sound, matter, and vibration, that is a study which could point to new advances in terms of our ability to affect one another with the waves of our own personal expressions as human beings, and learn that since we are affecting each other with our thoughts and vibrations every day, it may become considerably obvious that we start to re-consider what words, lyrics, rhymes, and music we enjoy throughout our experiences, not to mention what TV jargon, cell-phone noise, and other forms of media throughout the world which distract us so much from the truth that we are ourselves Creators of our own forms of media.

Theory of Thought Forms


“Each definite thought produces a double effect—a radiating vibration and a floating form. The thought itself appears first to clairvoyant sight as a vibration in the mental body, and this may be either simple or complex.” – Leadbeater


All thought vibrates at resonating patterns to which propagate in the atmosphere as a result of energetic compounds reacting with the essential matter in motion.” - Anon


In the resonating patterns of a thought wave there is the property to which it can become attracted or repelled from other thoughts. The energy of the thought will increase or decrease based upon the variable rates of attraction and repulsion.” - Anon


As a result of the attraction and repulsion of one thought wave resonating pattern with the one, versus the other, a dominating thought will prevail.”

- Anon

In the solidification of a thought, energy has been expressed through desire and intention to produce the essential signature vibration. The vibrations of thought-forms are emanating in the location where they took place, such as to occupy the space given as a result, as a result of the feeding of the thought. When the same thought is repeated, it is solidified moreso, and when the same thought generally leads up to the same end-result, the vibration of the thought could be considered certain.

When a thought is expressed through this certainty, to solidify, it will aggregate into the perceived energy fields, to which, unseeable by our three-dimensional instruments, propagate nonetheless. The thought exists in terms of its own space-time variables, involved the perceived locale of expression to which rooted in the signature vibrations held in the given frequency as an actual hue through which the prevailing mood and rhythm is expressed. The prevailing mood and rhythm of a thought propagation in the essence of vibration, through which resonance will with this thought will produce the oscillation allowing now that the thinker is in flux with the thought-pattern in resonance. Thought resonance occurs as a result of the attraction and repulsion of matter, to which in the molecular disturbances of the airwaves as the waveforms propagate, the atmospheric pressure is in flux as the tones vibrate through the medium.

Original thoughts expressed in terms of uniqueness will be recalled by the atmosphere, to gravitate to the centricity of one’s general locality for expression. The atmosphere eremembers thoughts which take place with a high intensity of emotion and feeling. Otherwise Original thoughts in terms of uniqueness will be recalled by the atmosphere to gravitate to the centricity The atmosphere remembers thoughts that have taken place with a high intensity of emotion and feeling, otherwise the thought form is dissipating to be absolved by more present patterns.

Standing waves expressed through interference patterns of the vast array of thoughts, will superimpose to provide the vibration that is most present in the room. Thought bodies are so present, their general tone, hue, emotion and feeling, will provide the coloration upon the general thought-state of the room. The room is “enamored” with the sense carried by this thought body, to which is of a variability of unique forms.

Those who are enabled to cognate a thought in this space will be under the hue or tone of the mood and rhythm of the prevailing thought-body, unless the thought-state of the room is renewed. Individuals present in the room who are all cognating thoughts at the same wavelength, will agree, whereas those who are cognating thoughts at opposite polarities will obviously flatline or dissonate. These to which are patterns dissonant in terms of the actual tones carried by the thought-pattern, provide that the thinker has been endowed with a prevailing concept, or idea. Archetypal to this design, the basic patterns Leadbeater would describe as emissions of energy through symbolic forms, the thought bodies emanated in this space through standing waves will resound.

These shapes and patterns to which enamor the dimensions of the room with its own uniqueness and tone, will provide the thematic values expressed in given variables associative with the periodicity of the thought expression. Thoughts are occurring at rates and frequencies relativistic to their own moving processes, reflect the values of the expression to which are occurring at certain moments in space. There is no such thing as a wasted thought, and all thought occurring find purpose at their own logical variable rates, to progress in expression to provide the eventual attunements.

Nature provides the medium, and cognizance provides the ability to join matter into an active expression – the active expression is rooted in one’s own ability to be conscious, and the creative consciousness of a person rhythm, or to be endowed with a proper rhythm of expression, will be expressed as a result of a prevailing need. All thought is expressed through time to result in the proper response, and all generated expressions released in the resonances or dissonances with thought are going to lead up to an eventual conclusion.

Thought Wave Resonance

As a result of resonance, individuals are more able to be constructive with their involutions and evolutions – they are more able to oscillate with creative gamma waves, and they are more able to seek the same positive futurity as a result of their own united thoughts.” - Anon

An individual who is endeavoring to express creative intelligence, expressed in terms of the gamma waves that vibrate at a frequency of about 30 hertz, will produce standing waves in the environment to which occur at this unique rate. When another sound-source is welcomed into the room, thought waves may vibrate with present patterns to result in resonance or dissonance. Thoughts will resonate when they are in a similar wavelength, otherwise disagree and move in opposite directions when the wavelength is reversed.

When there is a resonating pattern, waveforms are expressed in superimpositions to which result in the effortless, fluid flow. The thinkers are cognating thoughts themed to a similar coloration, and expressed at a like-rhythm. The superimpositions of these thoughts may become synchronized to offer a feeling of intuitive grace, that to which is expressed in terms of how the mutual congenial minds are more able to follow one another's desires and intentions, without using language. They are expressed more on a level to which is expressed without words.

In the most advanced cases of resonance, which is referred to as direct nonlocal thought-transference will occur. Thought waves propagate in waves so profound in resonance with other minds, they are “read.”

Intuitively, a thought becomes singular to many minds, and consciousness flows through the space. Space and time are united as words seem to move faster than they can be cognated, and the transferred expression will result in the higher sensory perception. Naturally, this does not occur unless certain space-time variables are in place; from unique circumstances involving the cycles of nature, to the variant changes at the genetic level with advanced human adepts. In typical functions of this unique telepathic expression, what is no more than a 'feeling' has been expressed and transferred through the airwaves.

Creative Gamma Waves

Oscillating at around 30 hertz, the wavelengths of cognizance approach the rate in which the creative gamma waves may be expressed. Gamma waves are the most creative thoughts, save for lambda, hypergamma, and omega which are occurring at variable rates to which thoughts of extreme rates of intelligence might be expressed. At the lowest level of our perceptions, recorded in some monks and gurus, is referred to as Epsilon, to whom are also expressive of reaching the highest levels as well.

Gamma waves, which sometimes dip into the Epsilon, are recorded as the creative thoughts of the one who is endowed with the sense to both learn and create, a result of the power of one’s own mind. This individual is “in the zone” and is able to express one’s self with ease.

The creative mind is expressive of variable rates of expression, true, but there is the prevailing rate of expression to which, experienced, can suggest that one has been able to think/create at the space-time union of matter to provide a reality where all expressions are more creative. A word coming to mind for this might be “unitive” or “unified thought.” As a result of the rhythm of cognizance measured as rated to a flow of expression with one’s own mind, the patterns are to be reflective of the creative respects, and values of one’s own thoughts.

Creative intelligence measurable in terms of the rate of expression, a divinator will show that reality where, perceived, they are able to show a general array of lasting creative possibilities are extant in terms of reflecting patterns of one’s own mind, and prove that reality is a construct to which is definable by one’s own actions in terms of the wave motions of one’s own creative cognizance. Where there are gamma waves, there are creative thoughts, and as creative intelligence may be measured in terms of one’s own creative mind so reality is in itself endowed with this intelligence to increase in its creative aspects, the more an understanding is held that we are all “waves” unto ourselves, and are as creative as our minds are able to express their own rates, and rhythms of intelligence.

Waves Upon Waves

Recording music, as the activity in which an individual might endeavor to show that a song will result from one’s efforts in the field of personal or professional audio engineering; will posit that an individual is capable of taking the waves of one’s own thoughts, and transforming them into waves of audio.

The act of recording in itself, will provide that the mind is employing waves upon waves, and that in the actual behavior in the state before the microphone, one is able to take a certain mood and rhythm, and express the thought waves to which are patterned in sequence.

The act of recording music can be a healing element if used in the proper tense, and when employed through the ability to channel one’s own energy into the sonic reproduction, so it can becomesa natural reflection that the individual is now able to create very specific and unique thought forms, that may become memorized through the .wav file, and recording device, and remembered for the sake of future generations. It is a recorded legacy in the span of a few minutes, and it offers a window into the elocuters soul. The artist who is capable of channeling one’s energy into the matter through which it is that true state of matter, expressed in the moving process of waves, would show that alchemical use of space and time to produce unique fields of interest where others may become due inspired.

Musicians are unique unto themselves, and we are all individuate to our own stylings and manners through which the music will be expressed. Those who are interested in making music are availed to the possibility so far as they see the capacity for the proper amount of desire and intention that goes into the actual process, and those who are desirous of experiencing this process may through time become involved in the actual audio engineering, as a result of the interest measured in relationship to perceived desire and intention.

The actual process of audio engineering utilizes certain elements which will be employed, to result in the experience to which results in the feeling, as practiced, to provide that unique power in which the gamma waves used in this activity, coupled with any form of inspired feeling, can theoretically alleviate tension and illness in the body, and even produce new shapes in the brain, alter gene functions, and improve health altogether., according to many new studies into vibrational healing, neuroacoustic research, and new practices in the fields of sound, reiki, and holistic healing.

It is that all humans have the ability to move and be animate, that we are all making waves in the environment. This, in a sense, is the concept that through motion all matter is expressed in waves due to how a wave is a moving process. If all matter is rooted with no beginning and no end, and is a continuum of expression that may be termed infinite creative expression, then perhaps ‘waves’ truly is the most natural state of matter if these can be sensed, sensed and then reproduced into other forms and substances through other types of patterns. The cymatics, the physical sensation of bass, the waveform, the actual .wav file, and the time that went into all these things are all the product of a moving process, and all of the things which have result in this process of wave emanations, is that all matter is in constant continual motion; alive, animate, and will never become stagnated, or unable to grow.

We are all artists, and sound engineers, if we are able to recognize that our thoughts are emanations which have an affect on the waves and vibrations of the room and space surrounding us. The world will be affected, and our thoughts have been responsible all along. For the sake of better music, and raising the vibration of the world, I believe it is naturally perceived then that all human beings cognizant of their own mental vibrations are thus musicians, and artists, to the events of a psychic nature, since they are recognizing the true power, and essential reason for the existence of their thoughts to begin with; the muse – and the “music” of existence.
