The XYZ Report "Abuse of their power, because of the negligence of one authority figure who is negligent towards their own power, tends to influence bad behavior in the workers." -- Brendan S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychic abuse, and ontological forms of remote spying in jails, hospitals, and all forms of psychic abuse in America exists in all forms of hospitals in especial in America. I call this "The XYZ Report." From patients, and nurses, and even invasive CNA's who willingly abuse the power of God to remote view, spy, and torture patients in hospitals, I am writing this to use my own psychic power in response to them. One known as "Sabbatus" (fake name) "John" (a local Freemason), or even a classical Pagan witch like "Wendy" (a local prostitute) will contribute to such corruption if so interested in taking down the comfort of one sole member of a hospital (like a psychic such as myself), when I am perfectly able to memorize a previously-written report on the same subject-matter, I already wrote in another hospital. When a head nurse, charge nurse, or authority figure in a hospital is negligent of their own power or psychic ability (or Pagan ability of whatever kind) the workers are also negligent of their own power, and may become equally abusive. When, in Acadia the Northern-lit Brewer-based hospital I wrote the same report, I noticed the same behavior in doctors, nurses, and mostly CNA's (general hospital workers who are not really nurses, but just 'work there'). This fowlplay went so far as me witnessing the pink "brow chakra" necklace worn by a charge nurse, to the mis-use of camera's, intercoms, and ventilation-shafts in patients rooms. Nurses and CNA's express a firm dominating control over the patients that feels like they are enjoying this form of abuse, that is termed "sadomasochism" in a classical use of the word, meaning "Sado" (Latin or Greek for sadistic) and "Masochism" -- to enjoy the pain of others, or to enjoy watching others hurt themselves.* Use of this word, and speaking this word out loud tends to stop, or awareize what they are doing, so remember this key-word. (Sadomasochism / sadomasochists). Use this word as an insult against them, and it tends to put a different look in their eye. (Right Eye] Corruption like this has since gotten worse in America, since my last hospitalization, so I've decided to also mention their mis-use of Pagan, or witchcraftian-based power, that is to me kind of hilarious, because I thought since the days of M Vuldemar, this type of abuse was done away with long ago .. Further, the terror of this form of abuse is expressibly powerful when I live in Maine, a part of the world only by the year 1827 (or around this time) was annexxed with Massachusetts, and was originally connected to the same train-line that brought witches from Salem to Bangor, and Boston to Bar Harbor. The song, "King Of The Road" exemplifies this common truth, where "Bangor" is the end of the line for trains in the United States, and these trains run all the way from Massachusetts, and are very easy to be used for transportation of such people, from Salem also. My own mother is from Cape Cod, so I see this abuse even more clearly, of the geography itself. I've had support, and I am protected while I write this. To be kind, I respect witchcraft, and some new science, and new forms of magic, but if you ingest the wrong food or tea, while in a hospital, and also upset the wrong staff member, you can expect dark nightmares, or bad experiences at night. So, I recommend your own forms of protection while hospitalized, whether you like it or not. Telekinesis, and your own witchcraft, and music, and "natural ability" as well as technology-power, or technological power of any kind are most recommended. Myself, and people like me, if you make friends with me, or someone like me, while hospitalized, will also help to protect you. In a hospital, even such as the empath-housing, and very paranoid-patient housing place like a Psych ward (Psych Ward ..?), we see this abuse just as commonly as in jails nowadays, when not all people who are prisoners are violent, or abusive like this at all, and some patients and prisoners are also never violent at all, so this type of behavior (to me) just tends to influence corruption, and abuse in other systems, and that is why I think it should be stopped. If this type of abuse does not stop, more systems and institutions in America will likely be taken advantage of, and abused by the workers, so I suggest that unless the America's want more intervention from the illuminati, people like myself, religious groups, "good doctors" or actually heroic scientists, I think this abuse should stop to prevent such pandemics that are now taking place in the world right now, since the pandemic itself started with corrupt hospitals, and corrupt hospital workers.