XYZ Science -------------- "Faith Science" I came up with XYZ science while in the hospital. The science is based on potential and expectation. Similar to a lot of psychological studies in both affirmation, self-confirmation, and the standing effects of vibrational, psychological, and chemical effects, "X" represents nonlocal where "Y" is nonlinear, and Z the result. We think of this as a time-based understanding, That, when you "know what the effect will be" your security will be more powerful in the future based on the faith you have, or the knowing you have in the effect. I've written on XYZ science multiple times, and I care enough to reiterate the science since I am someone who has tested it multiple times, and I know it works. Essentially, when you are able to "see" the result, or imagine how the effect works, based on an understandable science, the faith you feel will be greater. To generate a good science out of your own expectations, you might think on this as though it is a science based on holograms themselves, where you yourself represent the interference of the sum-total effect of variables, placing the effect on yourself. The effect is good, and will be proven to be feelable, or sensable as a result you 'want' and expect, therefore making chemicals act faster, and other things take place at the right time, divined to the right moments, and occurringly with good results that are more oriented with your own best self. A good XYZ science example might be to "call the girl" you want to call -- when you are most healthy, you are most mentally ready, and you are apparently "sure" the response will be a heartwarming result, that allows for you to convene with her (or him, in her case) in such a measure that the resulting embrace is powerful, enough that you are sure in the love you will feel. A science of expectation, I've used this science and also felt the effect of this science in the very first day I arrived at the science, and it is a science based on holography, as well as the quantum effect of a holographic relationship in matter, time, and space. I'll write more on this later, when I am more able to explain further what I mean, and I assume (since I am sure) that the newer, and "more explained versions of this science will make more sense in the future."