The website I developed here can be used for writing, scrying, or anything. It is also an example to inspire you to build your own website, displaying how easy, and simple a thought-provoking idea can be. To copy text, hit CTRL + C, and assume the measures, and phrases of your own words are (now) ensaved on your PC, so that after you write them here (on this definitely safe website) where you are only essentially followed by the site owners (neocities) themselves, and I have nothing to do with what you do or say here, though I am (myself) capable of time travel, and I do in factuality of the thought, on all meaSures and probabilities of the possibility, wish the best for you. So, if you could time travel, see anyone, do anything, or experience anything, how able are you, to deal with the darkness, and the everquestioning, everpeering, and everwondering eyes of the darkness, the blackness, and the empty blackly lit self-illumining void of darkness itself..? BLS. Scrying Website V1.0. The text-box is resizable, and can be made larger. I put all of this at the bottom of the page to add to the mysterium of the effect of scrying. Keep it real. -b